Top! Reader x Italy (Fallen Angel)

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This chapter isn't a full on lemon but there is some smut. Just the structure of how I made this story is a little different and towards doesn't fully focus on oh I'm in love with you lets make out. No, it reminds me of my regular books where I have an actual story that the love plays into instead of the story wrapping around the love part. I like trying new things with chapters and stories but I hope this doesn't sidetrack away too much.

~Please enjoy my little Oranges~




I apologize for any mistake with the Italian translation. It is majorly coming from google translate as I am still learning Italian. Some though (Like two words) are from my own vocabulary.

Y/N: your name

L/N: last name

E/C: eye color

Y/A: your age

H/C: hair color

H/L: hair length

Mi dispiace: My bad

Per un angelo, sembri un Feli molto peccatore: For an angel, you seem to be very sinful Feli.

Por favore: please

ti amo: I love you

tu mi ami: you love me?

Ti farò gridare il mio nome così anche il paradiso ti può sentire: I'll make you scream my name so even heaven can hear you

Ciao: hello/goodbye

--------------------------------- Y/N)'s Pov

I sat comfortably on my bed nestles in the corner of my room that overlooked the lively night sky of Venice, Italy. I thought over the recent meeting I had been forced to go to as the owner of a company my grandmother passed down to me. 

You see because of my grandmother's love for nature I now owned a flower shop, named Florence, but lately, a small disease going around making it hard to keep the plants in my back garden alive long enough to sell or even regrow from seeds because of how infected the plant is. 

The meeting in question was to discuss future actions towards the business I had spent my entire life around. This shop was up and running before I was even a sparkle in my late Father's eye.

Even with that revelation of the importance of this shop, there were sharks who wanted me to sell my shop to them so they could tear it down to build a hotel/ spa resort. Sure I would be set for life with the amount of money they were offering me but something wouldn't feel right.

If I sold my grandmother's shop it would feel as if I were betraying her last wishes before cancer had taken her with its horrifying eyes. She raised this place from the ground up and many people have come to love and adore this place. 

If I take that little amount of natural glow from their lives then I was no better than the sharks who wanted to put another ugly building here. That last thought angered me as I threw one of my pillows at the wall with a quick belt of anguish.

"Why did you have to leave the shop to me, Gran? Sure Italy is a beautiful place to have a flower shop but what is causing this sickness?", I begged while I watched the last of the Gandala guides tie up their boats for the night.

I could only listen to the sound of crickets filled the otherwise quiet area. My small home in Venice housed only me and my small Tabby cat. My only living relative known as my widowed mother left my lonely (Y/A)-year-old ass here so she could travel the world

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