A/N Name change

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As some of you may have noticed I have changed my name from the_heroine_16 to OrangeyEmpress. That is for many reasons. My old name on here was starting to get old to me seeing as I've had it since I was fifteen and I'm nineteen now. Also with the fact that it just doesn't seem to fit me anymore. 

 the_heroine_16 was a young girl who didn't take writing or reading seriously and I've grown out of that. She was a girl who didn't edit her work and posted chapters that were all just one run on sentence and looking back on that makes me mad that I thought that that was OK. 

OrangeyEmpress will be an author who will try her hardest to dish out content that you guys want to read and comment on. I've already re-edited my book Clockwork Apocalypse but I know it still needs work and I'm in the middle of re-editing Clockwork Romance. (Please check them out.)

I'll try to keep up with demands that you guys have for chapter while I'm on my three week break from college but as soon as it starts back up I will have a hard time publishing. Also, if you guys have any questions or just want to get to know me then feel free to comment down below. I love talking to my little Oranges.

I want to get back into doing fanfiction and re-uploading old stories but I want them to reflect this change that I'm going through. I don't want my crappy stories getting to almost 10k like before when they don't have proper grammar or storylines.

I also want to show you guys some of my art I work on in my free time or at college I like showing others what I'm up to. Once again thank you to everyone who reads my books whether they are fanfiction of plain fiction.



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