Chapter 10 - From Foe To Friend

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Chapter 10
From Foe To Friend

When I woke up, I was seeing green. Literally.

My face was smothered in this patch of green stuff. I didn’t even know what was going on. My head was spinning and I honestly thought I was hallucinating. My eyes were wincing at the light when I turned my head and was met with the brightest fucking sun I’ve ever seen in my life.

My room was never this bright, what the hell was going on?

I went to go rub my eyes and noticed that my hand was tightly clutching someone else’s. I turned my head slowly and saw the familiar looking red head sleeping soundly next to me, her hand not even leaving mine. What the fuck happened last night?

She was lying on her side, one hand underneath her head, and the other holding onto mine. Her light red hair was falling in her eyes and her makeup look like it had been running. I let go of her hand and sat up on my elbows.

I was sitting in a huge field of grass and the sun was bright as hell. I shielded my wincing eyes with an arm and I could practically smell the alcohol on my jacket. Did I spill the whole bottle on myself last night in the process?

Shit. Last night.

I was supposed to be hanging out with the sleeping girl next to me last night. As the events of last night rushed back to me, I fell onto my back and closed my eyes. I felt like I needed a drink so I took a shot of Jack Daniels before I was about to leave. I was dressed and ready to go, but the alcohol seemed to call me back and I kept telling myself, ‘one more shot’. I couldn’t remember what happened after the third glass, and I didn’t think I wanted to at this point.

I looked over at Bailey still silently sleeping next to me and I felt like the hugest ass in the world right now. I must have come to see her after handling the bottle on my own. She was expecting the guy she met before, and I definitely wasn’t my usual self.

Can’t say I didn’t warn her though. I did things like this all the time. I was an asshole, and I knew that too well. Sure, I did nice things for my mom, or for little Greg sometimes, but I always managed to fuck something up in the process.

To say my chances with Bailey were probably gone was an understatement. 

My head was pounding as I massaged my temple. It was way too bright out here for someone with a massive hangover and I wasn’t about to sit out here all day long. I needed to get home.

I reached into my pocket for my phone, clicking the unlock button, waiting for the time to pop up. It was eight in the morning and I had two missed calls from my mom and a text from little Greg. I smiled as I read it, because he was asking where I was because I was supposed to read him his bedtime story. I winced though, because that little pang of guilt spread up in me, knowing I happened to let my little brother down…again.

I heard Bailey stir beside me and looked over at her. She rubbed her eyes and opened them slowly. Her hazel eyes shown bright as she widened them, taking in the setting around her.

”Holy crap,” she murmured, finally looking over at me. Her eyes were wide like a kid in shock and I chuckled slightly.

”About the same response I had when I woke up,” I said, putting my hands underneath my head.

”I’m sorry. I didn’t want to…uh, leave you alone, in the state that you were in,” she said, sitting up on her elbows. She wiped underneath her eyes with a single finger and frowned when she noticed all of the black from the smudges on her face.

”Thanks for that, by the way. I know I must have been an asshole last night,” I faded off, closing my eyes from the pain in my head.

”It’s okay,” she whispered, sighing afterwards. She slowly got up from her place on the grass, smoothing her dress with her hands. She rolled her eyes and sighed angrily as she noticed the large grass stains on her freshly white dress.

I felt the guilt creep up again, noticing how good she looked in that dress, even with her makeup all smudged and her curls fading into straight strands. She did all of this for me, and I showed up like some drunk asshole.

”I’m sorry,” I whispered again, finally looking up at her. I had to put a hand over my eyes, to shield them from the bright sun she was standing in front of. She seemed like she already put up the emotional wall I knew so well and I instantly regretted even taking that first sip last night.

”It’s fine, honestly,” she said, shaking her head. She primped at her curls and looked anywhere but at me.

”What did I say last night?” I asked, suddenly curious. It obviously affected her, because she couldn’t even look me in the eyes anymore. I thought we were making progress from all of that bullshit.

She shrugged her shoulders. “Some babble on how you didn’t even drink. Then you told me about your…” she faded off and I sat up fully. What did I tell her?

”Told you about my what?”

”Your Dad,” she finished, mumbling.

My eyes bulged and I winced, not liking what that just did to the headache currently going on. I shook my head, throwing it in my hands. I angrily ran my hands through my hair and pulled the ends. I never told anyone about that. Trust me to tell a complete stranger my whole life story after a couple of shots.

”What did I tell you about…him?” I asked, anxious to see how much I actually did tell her.

She had her head down and was putting a piece of hair behind her ear. She shifted her bare feet in the green blades beneath her. “How you want him back…” she continued.

I froze instantly. No I didn’t.

”I did?” my voice squeaked as I spoke. The only person I talked to about that was my Mom. And I barely even told her anything.

She only nodded her head. Finally looking up at me, I noticed her face held that stupid pity look to it. I shook my head at her and put my hands up.

”No, not that look,” I spat, venom seeping from my voice. “I get enough of that shit from everyone else I know. Don’t do that.”

”I’m sorry. I just didn’t know that that’s why you wouldn’t talk about-“

I cut her off immediately. I wasn’t about to talk to her about all of this. As much as I felt that sense of comfort whenever I was around her, she didn’t even know my middle name from God’s sakes. I wasn’t about to tell her my whole life story on how much I missed my Dad.

”Stop!” I yelled. She winced in fear from my shift in tone, but I couldn’t feel bad right now. Not with that look she just gave me, and the prying that I knew was about to come.

”Evan, I didn’t mean…”

”No, it’s fine. Just don’t ask me about it, okay? Forget all of the shit I told you last night. I was drunk. Doesn’t mean any of it was true!” I spat, getting up from my position on the floor. I brushed my butt off, and didn’t even make eye contact with her as I made my way around the building.

I felt a tug on my arm when I heard, “Evan!”

”What!” I yelled, spinning around to face a guilty looking Bailey. I felt my heart squeeze a little bit for her, but I didn’t let it affect me this time. I don’t make exceptions for anyone. Especially people I don’t know.

”Leslie’s number,” she said, her voice quiet. “You asked me for it last night. Here,” she said, handing me a tiny slip of paper with numbers scrawled onto it.

I snatched it from her trembling hand and stomped off to my car. As I turned the key, starting it up, I gripped the steering wheel tightly, my fists turning white from the contact.

I was more pissed off at myself than I was at Bailey. I did the stupidest shit when I was drunk, and always regretted anything I said or did the next morning. Why in the hell would I tell some random girl how much I miss my Dad? Why would I spill stuff like that to someone I didn’t even know?

And the biggest question on my mind was, why did she care so much?

* * * * *

”Fuck Dad, do you see the kind of shit you get me into?” I shouted up at the blue sky above me. I was locking up my car and walking to Aaron’s door. I knocked lightly and he immediately pulled it open. Trust Aaron to be wide awake at nine in the morning.

”Hi,” I snapped; moving around him and into his house like it was my own.

”Well hello to you too, sunshine,” he said, humor in his voice.

”Haha,” I said sarcastically. I sat myself down on the stool in front of his counter, which he used as a dining table. I crossed my arms in front of me, shaking my head. I was trying to calm myself down, but nothing I was doing was working. I wanted to know how much I told the stupid girl in the first place.

”Let it out,” he said, ushering me with his hand. He stood on the opposite side of the protruding counter. He leaned his elbows on the table and waited patiently for me to speak.

”I got drunk last night,” I started, clenching my fists.

”What else is new?” he grinned, playfully. I really wasn’t in the mood for humor today.

”Shut up,” I spewed. “I was supposed to be hanging out with some girl and I showed up drunk.”

”What girl?” he asked, curiosity laced in his voice.

”Some girl I met at that concert. Not the point,” I said, waving my hand carelessly. “I told her about my Dad, dude.”

”And,” he urged. What the hell did he mean, ‘and’.

”And I barely know this girl, Aar. Apparently I went on and on about how much I miss him and shit. I don’t even tell my own mother about that crap, and I managed to tell her the biggest part of my life story,” I said, throwing my hands up in the air.

Aaron shook his head at me. “That obviously means something, Ev. You don’t tell just anyone about your problems and you confided in her. That must mean you feel comfortable around her. What’s the big deal?” he asked, shrugging his shoulders in a nonchalant way. I could wring his neck now, I swear.

”What’s the big deal?” I scoffed. “The big deal is that I don’t even know her!” I yelled, my voice rising as I continued. “She doesn’t need to know my personal bullshit! She doesn’t even know my middle name for God’s sake, so why did she need to know about how I felt?!”

I winced, the pain still pretty evident in my head from last night’s drinking game I held with myself.

”Aspirin?” Aaron asked. I nodded my head and he walked over to a cabinet high up. He took out two white colored pills and set it down in front of me. He walked over to his refrigerator, and took out two water bottles, setting one in front of me, next to them.

As I took them, he continued with his rant. “Look, Ev. Stop stressing over it, alright? What’s there to worry about? You don’t know everything you said right?” he questioned.

I nodded my head and he continued again. “Well, who cares then? You said so yourself, you barely know the girl. You probably won’t ever see her again, if you really don’t want to. So stop stressing out about it. You have enough to stress about as it is. You can’t do anything about what just happened. Just move forward,” he shrugged, taking a sip from the bottle in his hand.

I contemplated what he said over in my head and realized that like always, Aaron was right. If I really don’t want to see her again, I don’t have to. I didn’t plan on going to the theatre, aside from seeing Leslie again, so who cares? I can just move on from this and find someone else to spend my time with.

The only thing I could think of after that was the busty blonde from the bar that I knew all too well.

After some messing around with his Xbox and eating most of the food he stocked in his kitchen, I left a couple of hours later, heading for home. I remembered that Bailey had given me Leslie’s number and I decided it was time that I moved forward with something new in my life. Something I didn’t need to be stressing over. Leslie seemed fun. And fun was something I definitely needed right now.

I fished the number out of my pocket and pressed the Bluetooth button on my car’s touch screen. After typing the number in my phone at a red light, I hit dial and waited for her to answer.

”Hello?” the small, but cheery blonde’s voice rang through my car. I smiled.

”Leslie? It’s Evan, from the show last week. Listen, I feel guilty about running out on you in the middle of our conversation the other day. I was wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner with me. Maybe…tomorrow night?” I asked, already knowing what her answer would be.

I heard her giggle softly over the receiver and she quickly answered with a peppy, “Of course!”

I bid her a goodbye and kept a grin on my face as I drove home. I kissed my Mom on the head and rubbed little Greg’s head as I made my way home, completely bypassing any questions as to where and who I was with last night.

* * * * *

It was a couple of hours before I had to be out with Leslie that I noticed little Greg had gotten salsa stained onto my one and only nice looking tie and I knew I was screwed.

I had about two hours to kill before I had to pick her up, so I decided that I could give it a shot by running to the mall really quick and picking one up. I grabbed my keys and headed down the road, still quite happy at how things were going. I was going on a date with a hot girl, who seemed to be a stress reliever instead of causer. It was definitely something new compared to the dramatic bullshit I’ve been going through these past few weeks. I haven’t seen one of those in years.

As I made it into the parking lot, I was looking for a space to park when I almost froze at the song that came on the radio. It was the Baby Blue Eyes song from Phil Keys and my mind suddenly flashed to the night on the rooftop with Bailey Keys herself. I replayed the moment I asked her about the song, and my mind went back to the memory of her bright hazel eyes when they looked up at me as I asked her questions.

I suddenly felt bad for how I treated her. I didn’t care in the moment when I yelled at her because I was only thinking about myself and how much of an ass I can be when I drink too much. I didn’t care how she felt then, but I kind of did now.

I didn’t think I would ever see her again to apologize, but I found myself wishing that I could see her again. What was with me anymore? I was going on a date in almost two hours with a hot girl who didn’t resemble anything close to Bailey. So why did my mind keep running back to her all the time?

I clicked my car key’s button to lock up and made my way to the mall entrance, heading straight for the men’s department in the closest store I could find. I didn’t have time to run around aimlessly without leaving Leslie waiting.

I rushed over to the tie collection that they had and picked up a navy blue one that wasn’t too proper looking, but matched with my shirt. I didn’t bother looking through the prices, just made my way up to the cashier. I looked around the store while I waited in line and stopped dead when the familiar light red hair caught my eyes.

No fucking way. Not this again.

”Bailey?” I asked, slowly. I didn’t know how she would react to seeing me again.

She turned around quickly at the mention of her name and her eyes widened like they did yesterday morning. I felt incredibly awkward, knowing how I treated her. She merely waved at me. I didn’t even hear a peep from her as she turned back around and faced front, waiting to be attended to.

I suddenly felt a surge of confidence go through me and got out of line, making a bee line for her. I knew I only had about an hour and half before meeting Leslie, and I knew the lines were extremely long. I didn’t care. I just wanted to make things right.

”Look, I’m sorry,” I whispered, touching her arm slightly to get her attention. She jumped, not realizing how close I had gotten. “I just don’t do that kind of shit, sober,” I said, lowering my voice.

Some bald headed man with a tiny stature kept glaring at me like I was going to butt in front of him in line. I raised an eyebrow at him, but shook my head, remembering what I was doing.

”It’s okay,” she whispered back, not looking at me.

”It’s obviously not, because you won’t even look at me,” I joked, smiling a little. I was hoping I could get something out of her to show that I was sorry and that she forgave me.

She finally made eye contact, but her facial appearance showed nothing close to happy or forgiveness.

”Look, why do you even care?” she snapped.

”Because I feel really guilty for how I acted yesterday and I’m sorry,” I mumbled.

”So you say sorry for being a total ass, not one but two days in a row and I’m just supposed to forgive you?” she whisper-yelled, sending me death glares.

”Two days in a row?” I questioned.

”Yeah, showing up drunk after asking someone out doesn’t exactly read nicest man on earth, does it?” she said, crossing her arms.

I sighed. I kept her gaze as I continued. “Look, I’m sorry. I can’t change how everything happened, but all I want to know is if you can forgive me and maybe we could…be friends at least?” I asked, anxious as to what she would say.

She eyed me for what felt like ages, her expression softening just a bit. “Fine. Friends. Just stop being an asshole every time someone wants to actually talk to you,” she sighed.

I grinned. “Friends it is.”

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