Freed x Laxus ~ Thunderstorm

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Freed's POV

  Somehow the guild hall was even more rowdy then usual. It always got like this when it poured with rain, leaving everyone inside to sit around and brawl. I sat at a table with the rest of the Thunder Legion and some other mages, drinking and talking for lack of better to do. Laxus sat to my left, his roaring laughter and cat-like grin drawing my mind from the conversation every now and then.

  "Hey, make some room!"

  I tuned to see Cana trying to wedge herself onto the already crowded bench I was sat on. People began moving up, closing all gaps between us. Laxus shuffled like everyone else, until he was pressed against me. My breath hitched. I could feel his muscles through his coat, and when he laughed it now vibrated through me. I began fidgeting, trying not to give into the temptation to lean into him.

  "You alright, Freed?" Bickslow asked, drawing everyone's attention to me. Even Laxus now looked down at me with concern.

  "You're bright red," chimed in Evergreen. "Do you-"

  But she was interrupted by a flash of lightning and rolling boom of thunder. There was an awkward silence. Everyone glanced uneasily at Laxus. I didn't want his to leave but he was a walking lightning rod. He didn't try to fill the silence, just stood up and left, pulling his coat tight around his shoulders.

  It didn't take long for conversations to resume. I waited, listening to the storm outside. Eventually, the lightning seised, leaving just the downpour of rain. Laxus will be back now, I thought. The wait continued. Fifteen minutes passed. No Laxus. I began to zone out of the conversation, watching the door and drumming my fingers.

  Eventually, I stood up. "I'm going to look for Laxus." No one noticed my mumbled excuse. I grabbed an umbrella and pushed the my way through the heavy doors outside. Outside the rain was much louder. It fell in torrents around me, soaking the bottom on my coat despite the umbrella.

  It didn't take long to find Laxus. He sat slouched on the bottom step of the guildhall's stairs, staring off into the rain.

  "Laxus?" I called cautiously.

  He turned, a surprised look on his face. "Freed?"

  "The lightning stopped but you didn't return. I was starting to worry."

  He turned away, not replying. The pounding of rain filled the silence.

  "You'll catch a cold out here." I kept my voice gentle. Maybe it was the slump of his shoulders of the absence of his normal, cocky grin, but he seemed... fragile. I sat beside him, holding the umbrella over the two of us. It worried me, him being so quiet. It was a long time before he spoke.

  "Do you... do you think..." He hesitated. "Nah, don't worry." He looked down at his hands.

  "Laxus, whatever you have to say I'll listen. I won't tell a soul, you have my word."

  Without looking up, he spoke softly. "I just don't feel part of the guild. I don't think they should of accepted me back after what I did. I beat up Gramps and most of the guild. I don't deserve this and the guild is still so strong without me."

  "Laxus, that's not true! The guild forgave you. The Thunder Legion need you."

  I need you.

  "The Thunder Legions needs a leader, someone they can be proud of. I don't think that can be me."

  I couldn't believe he could think like this. Didn't he see how amazing he was? How much he meant to the guild? To me?

  He looked at me now. "I'm such a failure." He said it so quietly I wouldn't have heard over the rain if I didn't hang on to every word he said.

  Emotions grew, shapeless and raw, in my chest. I grabbed his hands, letting the umbrella clatter to the steps. We were instantly drenched.

  "Thant's not true!" I was shouting now, trying to reach him through the onslaught of rain. "You've saved the guild as much as it's saved you. You're one of the family. Guildarts knew what he was doing when he brought you back to us. The Thunder Legion would be nothing without you! The guild would be nothing without you, not to me." I hesitated, and then quietly:

  "I'd be nothing without you."

  There was silence between us. I looked down, unsure of what he'd say to that. I went to pull my hands away but Laxus gripped then tight. I looked straight into his electric blue eyes. His expression was kind, on the edge of smiling.

  "You really think that, huh?" And he hugged me tight against his chest. I was so shocked, I froze up. "Freed, relax." I tried to but I could feel my face getting warmer as I hoped he'd stop so he wouldn't find out how I felt, but at the same time wished he would never let go.

  He pulled away, holing me by my shoulders. "Freed, are you okay? You're stiff and earlier you were bright red. It's like you're-" He stopped, realisation dawning on his face. "Oh."

  He knew! I hung my head, embarrassed.

  "I'm right then." But he didn't leave me, instead linking our hands once more. "Hey, look at me. How long have you liked me?" I couldn't bring myself to look.

  I don't just like you... "I've always admired you but it became more than that." I love you.

  "Freed." His voice was gentle now. I could feel him moving closer until he was right next to my face and still I didn't look. "Look at me." He voice sent shivers down my neck.

  I looked. His face was inches away with his usual grin I've always wanted to kiss.

  "Freed, the feelings mutual." And he kissed me. His lips were rough but he was so gentle. The world around us melted away, no rain, no guildhall. My heart raced. I was clumsy in comparison to Laxus who was still so confident. This was better than I could ever have imagined. It was all over too soon. Smiling at my flushed face, he pulled me to my feet.

  "Come on, we'll catch a cold out here." And he lead me by the hand back to the guild.


I hope you enjoyed that. I imagined Laxus would be a stubborn bastard and not directly say he loved Freed but tell me what you thought about that.

(I promise I'll write you a Gruvia fic soon, Alexi)

- M

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