Chapter Seven

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Please don't hate me, I am aware that this took like forever but stuff happened and it is here now so yay. Also I am bad at titles so all the chapters will just be numbers. I am uncreative. it is 4 am. story time.~TNT

The house was eerily dark and quiet. Jerome set his laptop and phone on the counter in the kitchen, and looked for something to eat. He settled on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, although he wasn't all that hungry. He took a few bites and changed his mind, setting it down. I just really need a shower. He thought, as he trudged up the stairs to his bedroom.

The feeling of hot water hitting his back was welcoming. Jerome dipped his head under the water and let it wash away all he had felt in the past days, forgetting all the worry down the drain. He felt like standing there forever, encased in the steam that filled the bathroom, but he couldn't. He had a life and problems and worries and all that bullshit to get back to. Reluctantly, he stepped out of the shower and dried himself off. His appetite had finally reappeared, so wrapping his towel around his waist he headed downstairs and grabbed the sandwich still sitting on the plate. He eyed his laptop on the other side of the counter. I should see what people have said about the video... He thought. He was reluctant to check, he feared that people would freak out or maybe even be mad. He sat down at the table and opened his YouTube channel. The comments calmed his worries.

I really hope Mitch gets better! And don't feel like you have to post videos, you obviously have more important things to worry about. xxx

Wow. I can't believe this happened, I hope Mitch is okay....

Don't cry Jerome I'm sure he'll be fine soon! I'm keeping you guys I'm my thoughts, keep us updated please!

Wow we really have the best fans ever... Jerome smiled, taking a bite of his sandwich. He finished it off and shut down his laptop. He decided that right now all he wanted to do was sleep in his own bed and relax. tomorrow he would return to the hospital, but this time he would actually be rested and with some of the things he would need. He quickly put on some pajamas and jumped into bed. God it felt good to sleep in his bed again. Thoughts of Mitch in the hospital still would not leave his head however, and he felt extremely guilty. So he's in the hospital in a fucking coma and I'm comfortable at home. I am the worst person ever... He thought, pressing his face into the pillow. He needed sleep, regardless of Mitch's condition, so he closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep.

"Jerome? Jerome! Wake up Biggums!"

"Huh?" Jerome sat up, and came face to face with Mitch. "M-Mitch?! What are you doing here? I- You're in a coma."

"What are you talking about you idiot, come on get up we gotta go." Mitch laughed, then did something that startled Jerome. He kissed him. Jerome kissed back, he had been waiting for this forever... Then a thought occurred to him.

Mitch is in the hospital. He doesn't love me. This is a dream.

Jerome woke with a start in his bed, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. He wasn't gonna lie, that was a pretty great dream. A wave of sadness swept over him, as he realized that it would never happen. Whatever, I should gather my things and get to the hospital...

"Let's see..." Jerome mumbled to himself as he looked around. "I'll need... Pillow and a blanket, my phone, my laptop, some clothes, a brush and toothbrush..." How long would he have to stay at the hospital anyway? He had really no idea... He had heard of people being in comas for years. God he hoped that Mitch woke up soon, Jerome couldn't stand Mitch being gone long. Once he was sure that everything he would need was with him, Jerome went downstairs to call Mitch's boss.

He sighed as he dialed the number, he really didn't want to deal with this right now. What would he say? sorry Mitch didn't come to work, he was hit by a fucking truck!

"Central Grocery Store, this is Martha." a woman on the phone said.

"Yes, hi. you're the manager correct? I'm calling to inform you about Mitchell Hughes."Jerome said, trying to sound like he knew what he was doing.

"Uh, yes I am, and I would like to know why he has not shown up to work." She sounded impatient and annoyed.

"Yes well... He was involved in a car wreck a few days ago, and is currently in a coma, and therefore unable to work. I can have the hospital call and confirm this." Jerome told her. Wow, that actually sounded pretty professional! He thought triumphantly. Involved in a car wreck, that sounds much more adult like than "sorry, he got hit by a truck."

"Oh, I didn't know that..." Martha sounded surprised. "Yes, I will mark him as on medical leave from work now, although I will need an official statement from his doctor."

"Of course ma'am, they will get in touch with you." He assured her. "if that's all you need, then I will be going. Good bye."

"Yes that's it, um, good bye." Martha said.

Jerome hung up the phone, proud of how professional he was. She probably didn't even realize that he had no idea what he was doing. Go me! He thought Being an adult making adult phone calls!

His thoughts returned to Mitch, and a frown appeared on his face. I should really go now... He thought, and with that he grabbed his keys and bag and was on his way out the door.

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