Chapter Two

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"Sir?... Sir are you still there?" Charlotte asked, her voice filled with concern. Jerome Coughed, snapping back to reality.

"Y-yeah. I'm, uh, I'm here." He managed to stutter out. "Can I, like, visit him?"

Charlotte paused for a moment, which felt like an eternity to Jerome.

"He's currently in serious but stable condition, so yes, you will be allowed to visit him. He is still unconscious however, and there is no guarantee he will be at all responsive."

That was all Jerome needed to hear. He would be allowed to go see his best friend. He thanked Charlotte and hung up, immediately grabbing his keys and heading out the door. He got in the car and headed to the hospital. Mitch was in a coma... would he ever wake up? would he even be able to tell that Jerome was there with him? He had to stop thinking about it, the last thing he needed was to break down crying in the middle of the road.

Jerome arrived at the hospital, parked in the visitors parking lot, and walked up to the big glass doors of the building. He had always hated hospitals, they smelled like sickness and disinfectants. He approached the receptionist desk, where a young woman with short blond hair and red wire glasses sat, typeing on a computer. Jerome cleared his throat quietly, and she looked up.

"Hello, um, I'm here to see Mitchell Hughes." He said politely.

"Alright, and what's your name dear?"

"Jerome Aceti"

She typed some things into her computer and nodded, handing him a little slip of paper. A pass to visit Mitch. Jerome thanked her and continued past the desk to a large shiny steel elevator. The pass said that Mitch was in room D18, so he pressed the button for floor D and continued up to the room his best friend was in.

Jerome checked the number on the door with the sheet, D18, same thing. He knocked gently and waited a minute. A kind looking woman with thick red curls and pink hospital scrubs opened the door.

"I'm Jerome, I'm here to visit Mitch." He stated.

"It's nice to finally meet you Jerome, I'm Charlotte." She smiled. They shook hands and Charlotte stepped out into the hall with him.

"Now I'm going to let you go see him in a second, but I feel I should inform you further of what's going on first." She said, in a hushed voice. Jerome nodded.

"During the crash his head was smashed against his seat and the car frame, which has caused some brain damage, mainly to the Frontal lobe and the Occipital Lobe. This has affected things such as memory, motor skills, and communication, as well as some possible vision problems." She gave Jerome a moment to let the news sink in before she continued. "He may have temporary or even permanent memory loss. We don't know until he has fully woken up. He will definitely have problems with basic movements, and other small tasks upon first waking up, but those should return to normal within a few days."

Jerome just stood there for a moment, taking it all in, trying to comprehend everything that had happened. Mitch was in a car crash, now a coma, and he has brain damage, possible memory loss. This was scary... No, not scary, scary wasn't good enough. It was terrifying. Charlotte lightly touched his arm, and gave him a sympathetic look.

"You can go in now. Also His family has been notified, and they said they would be down in a few days, just so you know."

Jerome just nodded and opened the door.

The sight made chills run down Jerome's spine. Mitch lay in a hospital bed, pale faced with bandages wrapped around his head. Sticking out of his arms and chest were various tubes and monitors and an oxygen mask was strapped around his face, aiding him with breathing. A large monitor beeped next to him, signaling that Mitch was still alive, albeit barely. Jerome sat in a chair next to the bed and looked at his friend for a minute. Studied him, the way his chest rose and fell faintly with his breath, the small strands of hair that peeked out from under his bandages. His skin, now pale as porcelain, making him look fragile and sickly. Even when he lay in a hospital bed, he was beautiful.

Jerome gently held Mitch's hand in his, squeezing it, hoping for some kind of response. There was nothing. He leaned on the bed, this was too much. He couldn't see his best friend- the boy he might even love as more than a friend- like this. It was too much. Jerome broke down, sobbing gently into the sheets. He gripped Mitch's hand tightly, gazing at him through blurry tears. He knew he wasn't going to leave Mitch's side until the nurses made him.

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