The Villowskas (Lucas' Period)

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The Mysterious Painting
by Bleuris

Part III.

The elegant window makes the sunlight shattered in an exquisite glowing rays,as I walk in our royal stairs,the old music was playing while my father,was painting in the living room,enjoying himself as he sways his brush. He really likes to paint,and one of his painting were sold in a bidding,and that's how we get our money a million,he then build a company,but he did not go once,my mother did,as his proxy. She was strict,even my father can't handle her sometimes. Her fashionable dress always makes her look glamorous even she's in her thirties.

She peck a kiss on my cheek and go to the company. My father,on the other hand is very kind and loving,she shows more motherly love than my mother. She's sweet,yes,but most of the times,she's not. She gives me a musical lecture,even tho i do not want to. She give me  a punishment if I refuse to learn,that gave me no choice. She also choose what should I take gor college,even tho I am just a gradeschooler. Sometimes I get scolded,me and my older brother Lliam,if we go play to the garden,but give us chocolates afterwards and says sorry to us. We don't have all,even tho our classmates says we are very rich,to the point that I can even buy my own car even in my early age. I lived that way,being a slave to my mother,ordering me around,she even don't let my father sleep beside her in their room,that's why my father always sleep in the couch.

I was in school,playing with my friends,that's what children do,it was a normal day,a happy day,savoring the freedom I have in school,no orders,no lectures,no mother.

Me and my brother Lliam went home with our limo,yes,my mother is proud enough to show our other classmates that we are on a different level than them,but we don't like it. As soon as we get home,my father and my mother were fighting in the living room,in the spot where my father usually paint.

"All you do is paint,paint,paint!" my mother said in a vociferous way.

"Painting is the reason why we are here!" my father fights back,he never talkback like that before,or so he never mostly do.

"It's just a one shot painting! you are not a child anymore!" she was screaming now.

"You are always painting,never go to work even once! you always makes me your representative! and it's very frustrating,it should be you who are working!"

My dad did not answer,but then he get his brush and start to paint,my mother push away the canvass standing in front of my father.

"Stupid painting,such nonesense should not exist!" she then go in her room.

we go to our room as well,me and my brother only have one room,but it was big enough for us. My brother told me not to think about what happened before,and so I did,that's the least I can do,as a child.

Sometimes it's very hard to understand why did they end up marrying each other,despite having deprecation on each other. Several days passed but the tension in our house is still burning,my mother always yell whenever my father is in there,even when we eat,my father has no choice but to hear my mother's boast.

On that time,me and my brother became rebellious,we smoked cigarette in our ver young age and when we reached 15,we went home drunk almost everyday,our mother? she yelled at us like what she did to our father,but we didn't bother to hear her complains. We also use drugs,such as marijuana and cocaine,a good thing that hit the spot on our tired minds. Even though on what we do,we do not go to jail once nor reported using those,or any other scandals that may destroy our family's image to the media,as you can see,our family is very powerful right now.

few years have passed,and still the war inside the roof of our house is still burning,you can hear the agonize complains to each other,almost everyday,I can't bear it,I am sick and tired to this kind of set up! I'm done with it.

I sleepover a bunch of times with my friends,and do what we have to do,smoke,drink,party,all kinds of things that will make me forget the shitty thing happening in our home.It's been a week since I never got home. Until my brother calls me.

My phone rings in the table,I click the answer button and put the phone on my ear.

"Hey,Lucas,where are you?" He said,his voice is trembling.

"I'mwith my friend's house,why?" I asked.

'"Come home." He said,like a whisper already.

"W-why,I don't wanna go home yet" I insist.

"Just.come.home" No brother,I am sorry,I won't.

"No,brother,I will stay he--"

"You whore!" a scream from my dad on the other line startled me,what is happening?

"Come on brother,come home!" and the line has cut off.

"Hello,brother? Lliam? hey!" but no ones answering.

I went home as fast as I can,what is hapoening to my house,I'm sure it is a very serious matter now,not just spewing complains on each other,not just scream or shout of a love quarrel. As soon as I reach our house I quickly go the the living room,there's no one in there,nor the canvass or the stand of it,no mess,no sign of fight.I look everywhere,in the kitchen,in their room,in the dining,everywhere,but there's no one,I started to panic,where is my brother? where are they?

I realize that there's one more place in our house that I didn't go yet,the basement.As soon as I realized it I quickly went where it is,and here I am standing in the door of our basement. the door was already tarnished,surely because of it's oldness,and also the design of it is absolete. I slowly open it as it makes a squeak sound. And there I see my father,swaying his brush in the canvass,she was full of red stains all over his body,and by the time he notices me,he sgow a wude smile,his eyes are blank,and I can tell if that smile is sincere...or... malice.

"W-what happened to you?" I asked him. My hands are trembling,my heart is throbbing so fast,I can't feel my father in him,as if he is a different person.

"I'm painting. You see,it's very comfortable in here."

I can't take a step as my feet are rooted in the floor out of terror.

"Look,I painted your mother" And he shows me what he is painting earlier,It was our mother,her red hair is also shiny in there,after all,He's a very good painter. But is seems odd,her eyes in the painting is black,maybe he is still not finish yet.

"You know what..." he added while still continuing his paint standing,holding the canvass in his other unbusy hand.

"Sometimes a painting is more lively..."

He look at me. Like a murderer settiing his eyes on it's next victim.

"If you paint them with their blood in it"

He laugh,the laugh of a demon while playing someone's soul.

I run away as far as I can while dialing the emergency line,they pick it up and I tell the whole story to them.
My father got arrested after what he did to his own wife and son,I don't show any emotions,I can't. All I can show is a blank expression staring out of nowhere,the police wants to get a statement on me,but their leader stop them,for symphathy. I walk back to my room,where we my brother always play when we was a kid,I miss him,I am very shameful that I didn't even go home to go check on them,maybe if I did back there Imay pick up some clues that this might happen,He,my father,murdered him and my mother in the basement,the blood are scattered everywhere,my brother's head was found in the garden,and my mother,her inside parts were all scattered in the basement,the police said earlier that my father used my mother's blood to paint,he even eat her heart and liver,what madness my father did,I will never forgive him,ever!

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