Chapter 2: Sealed With A Kiss

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Reader Key

(Y/N) = Your Name

(H/L) = Hair Length

(H/C) = Hair Colour

(E/C) = Eye Colour

(N/N) = Nickname

Author's Note: This will be a spin-off from the main story Chaotic shattering.

(Third Person P.O.V)

"I can't believe you fell over while carrying her and knocked her out cold." Bizarro Cole said to Bizarro Zane opening the large instrument case.

Bizarro Kai picked her up bridal style and Bizarro Jay hovered over her nervously.

(Y/N) was still out cold. Bizarro Jay pouted as Bizarro Kai placed (Y/N) gently on the couch and placed a kiss on her forehead.

(Y/N) twitched in her sleep and the Bizarro ninja looked on sadly. "She must be having nightmares again." Bizarro Kai said sadly.

Bizarro Zane fetched a blanket and placed it lovingly over (Y/N).

___(Y/N)'s Nightmare___

The fire burned throughout the town as she rode on horseback. Villagers were burning, being stabbed to death... Murdered. The screams echoed in her mind as she rode on, further, and further away...

(Third Person P.O.V)

(Y/N) opened her eyes quickly and gasped. "Only... A nightmare..." (Y/) whispered to herself as her heart pounded in her chest. After a moment, she realised she was in the living room of the Ninja's old apartment.

(Y/N) got up reluctantly and sat there on the couch for a moment in thought. (Y/N) was soon brought back because of a loud bumping noise coming from the kitchen.

"Sup, Sleeping Beauty?" Bizarro Cole said eating a bowl of cereal. (Y/N) was met with a soft gaze of two glowing red eyes."

"What going on?"(Y/N) asked stretching playing along till she got some answers.

"Hang on, I'll call the others." Bizarro Cole said finishing his breakfast. "Guys, get your butts in here. (Y/N)'s Ok." He shouted out.

The three remaining Bizarro Ninja's came skidding into the room. They all sighed in relief when they saw that (Y/N) was ok.

The trio of Bizarro Ninja tackled (Y/N) into a hug. (Y/N) froze in place as they did.

Bizarro Jay raised an eyebrow as he scanning over her form with his concerned red eyes.

Bizarro Cole joined his brothers in the cuddle pile.

"Are you okay (Y/N)?" Bizarro Kai asked gently play with (Y/N)'s hair.which was a weirdness all on its own.

"I'm very sorry for your condition, I did not mean to fall over while rescuing you." Bizarro Zane confessed.

"Rescuing  me?" (Y/N) questioned in disbelief as they continued to cuddled up close to her.

"We did not lead our mission to success." Bizarro Zane said sadly. "Lord Garmadon was going to end us back at the ship." Bizarro Kai told (Y/N) sadly squeezing her a little tighter.

"So once we failed, we decided to head out on our own than face destruction or continued being used." Bizarro Cole informed her putting his chin on top of her head.

"We decided to take you with us since the Ninja we're using you to fulfil their goals with Lloyd." Bizarro Jay admitted cuddling a little bit closer.

"I don't work for the Ninja I work for Lloyd." (Y/N) correcting them. "You use to work for Lloyd." Bizarro Zane corrected her.

"Lloyd does not need you anymore now that the Ninja are there to guard him. Your contract with him has been fulfilled." Bizarro Zane continued.

"What?" (Y/N) questioned.

"That what we're saying the Ninja are only using you because your so trusting and loyal, You haven't realised that you have fulfilled your end of the deal a hundred times over." Bizarro Cole tells (Y/N) planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Since Lloyd doesn't need your help. We could use your help (Y/N)." Bizarro Kai admits putting his head on her shoulder.

"Lord Garmadon is going to end us, and where all alone we need your help." Bizarro Cole whines giving (Y/N) puppy dog eyes.

"My brothers are correct, with your help we will have a higher chance of survival. Without you we are doomed." Bizarro Zane pleased cupping (Y/N) face in his hand and placing a kiss on her forehead.

"It won't be a one-sided deal like you had before with the others." Bizarro Kai promised holding her hand.

"We'll do whatever it takes to make you happy." Bizarro Jay says confidently.

"We'll spoil you, treat you as a goddess should be treated." Bizarro Cole pledged to (Y/N).

"Whatever you decree it shall be so." Bizarro Zane declared kiss the back of her hand.

"(Y/N) we will bring anyone to their bloody knees before you, just to earn your heart." Bizarro Kai vowed stealing a kiss from his goddess lips.

(Y/N) was suddenly pulled into another kiss. "We would kill anyone whoever  tried to harm you. we'd slaughter the realm for you." Bizarro Zane swore.

It was Bizarro Jay's turn to seal an oath with a kiss. "You're the person that we want right beside us at all times." planting a steamy kiss.

Bizarro Cole smiled down at a stunned red-faced (Y/N) "And we will kill anyone who thinks they can take you from us." Bizarro Cole promised finishing with a kiss.

Author's Note: It short and not my best work. This sort of thing isn't my strong suit.

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