Signal Accepted? (Part 9)

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"That was a Good chicken bro." Hanson was delighted with his lunch from the canteen "Yeah, that actually felt Good. Oh look, that mail sender tech Is being noisy, and it has your name Hanson." Kenelm saw the mail sender being noisy "Hanson, that Means that someone sent you a message, it Will stop buzzing until 2 minutes, but while we are here, why not just Check it out?" Thompson suggested "Ok, let's see." Hanson Is reading the message "This.. Is... from my dad." Hanson found out "Well what are you waiting? Just read It now." Thompson Said "Wait, here Is what it says." :

Dear Hanson,
Hi son, I knew that you Will suceed on getting through that portal. I have a little gift that will help you both on your adventure, but the problem is that I can't send it through this machine because this only sends and receives messages not items. This is an important item because this is the 3rd stage chip for the Twilight. This chip doesn't look like that important, but the this 3rd chip isn't sold in the store, and the chip can only be find in the odd missions (1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th so on). This chip's finding rate in those stages are 15%. So what I want you both to do, is to go to the Beta mine. If you don't know where the Beta mine is, ask Thompson cause i am sure that you have met him. I will send it through a network, so the nearest network to the base is the mine. So get there quick before anything hurts you.
Sincerely, your dad
"Guys, Hanson's dad is right. The chip is hard to get and the shop doesn't sell this chip. The chips that are sold in the store are chip 4, 5, 6, and 7. They are even rare to be sold. So anyways, the 3rd chip is a speed boost. When you press the chip, you will get more stamina to run faster. The beta mine is deep down that it is almost abandoned. Tiffany the miner is the only one that is brave enough to get into the mine. The mine is filled with Zendobats they have the ability to damage us with their sound waves and they can blow us away with their flap of wings. They flap their wings so fast that they can produce wind. So be careful and let me lead you to the mine, and get ready for more adventure." Thompson leads the way after they ate their food

"Okay Kenelm, are you ready for this new adventure???" Hanson is so hyped "Yeah. I'm a little bit nervous because darkness is my fear, but there are going to be lights that are going to lead us right to the beta mine right Thompson???" Kenelm was scared of complete darkness "You are right Kenelm. The first mine is called the Java mine. There will be people in there, so you can just walk straight to the Second mine. The second mine is called the Alpha mine. You need to use parachutes that are in the Alpha mine entrance to glide down without hitting anything. There is no one in the mine in this time. So you can go down without anyone bothering you. After you get down the Alpha mine, you will find the entrance to the Beta mine. In the entrance, Tiffany the miner will be there and she will help you locate where the tech is. So here is the entrance for the Java mine, and good luck." Thompson walked out, leaving them to do their job "Kenelm let's go!" Hanson said. They both than walked through the Java mine to the Alpha mine.

"Hanson, we are here. Let's grab this parachute in that chest, and glide down to the Beta mine and get that chip okay???" Kenelm wanted to finish the tadk quickly "Okay, here is yours, and here is mine. Let's do it. 3, 2, 1, GOOOO!" Everybody saw the two boys going down, the people there knew that the boys were trying to get to the network reciever. But on the way down "WATCH OUT KENELM THERE IS A FAN SPINNING." There was a fan that was spinning, so they knew that they needed to dodge a lot of stuff down there "Okay, I think we need to split up. Be safe okay???" There wasn't enough space for them to stay safe together. So what they did was they split up but not too far so they can glide down safely. On the way, there wasn't just fans, but there were also stuff in the way like poles, webs that can stick them, ores that haven't been mined before, and so on. When they finally got down there, they saw each other being safe without any scars "Thank goodness you are safe Kenelm, now that we are down here together, let's be carefull and remember to use our Twilight as best as we can. Oh look, there must be Tiffany the miner." Hanson saw Tiffany, and they talked to her. "Hello Mrs. Tiffany, can you help us to locate where the network reciever is???" Kenelm politely asked "Oh, boys please just call me Tiffany. And sadly, there was a creature that came here and took the network. He grabbed it and went to the Cannon mine. It is way worse than this beta mine. This mine still has lights that I placed, if you want to go there, please also grab the network and bring it back to the Alpha mine for safety. Take this torch to, it's too dark down there, so use this torch to light up the place." Tiffany gave the boys a torch "Oh thanks Tiffany, we will do our best." Hanson told Tiffany "Okay then we should get going Tiffany, bye." Kenelm said back "Okay boys, good luck and stay safe." Tiffany wished the best for the boys. The boys than walked through the Beta Mine. They found a total of about 25 Zendobats. Those Zendobats were so powerful, that the boys were thrown back to the entrance. The torches were strong enough to survive the wind, but the people might not. Then, they had an idea. Kenelm will stuck his sword to the ground so that when the Zendobats flap their wings, Kenelm will keep hold of the sword so he won't get blown away. It's the same with Hanson, but he will use two arrows." While Kenelm's sword is helping them, Hanson uses his bow to shoot all of the Zendobats. When they finished defeating the Zendobats, they found the entrance to the Canon mine. When they saw the entrance, they peeked inside, and there was only darkness in there "Kenelm are you ready to go inside??" Hanson was nervous "Yes I am, it's time to accept the network and, WHOOAAAA HEEEEELPPP HANSON PLEASE HELP MEEEE!" While Kenelm was talking, a tentacle grabbed Kenelm's feet and drag him into the Canon mine. He dropped his sword and torch "NOOO...... Kenelm, you there. I will avenge you Kenelm I WILL ACENGE YOU!" Hanson rushed in to the Canon mine. He placed his bow in the arrow holder, he grabbed Kenelm's sword and torch then went in to the cave. He doesn't care if there is anything in the cave, but what is in the cave???

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