Hanson's Puzzle (Part 13)

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"Where am I? This is so dark." Hanson was almost blind. But then some torches lit up "Mark! WHERE ARE YOU! EXPLAIN PLEASE!" Hanson was starting to lose hope, but luckily Mark answered "Welcome to the great dark maze. This is a randomly selected puzzle map that you need to complete to get back. All you need to do is to find a way through out the giant maze, but it doesn't stop there. Every time you find a dead end, you will need to solve one of our puzzles. You will restart the puzzle if you fail, and you will be allowed to continue if you succeed. If you faint in the maze, it will count as a fail and you will be sent back to the gym. I hope the best luck for you, and have fun." Mark then stopped talking "It was a bad idea for me to pick this Task. I underestimated it, and now I am in big trouble. At least I have my Twilight to help me shine the darkness." Mark then started walking through the maze while being amazed by the big maze "I CAN SEE THE END, ITS THE ONE THAT HAS THE BEAM! But i should also search for the end right now, I need to be fast so that I can finish this puzzle quickly." So he starts by running around hoping that he will be find the exit, but he found his first puzzle.

"Welcome to the first puzzle, Hanson. I am Mark, and you just found a dead end. The puzzle this time is Rubik's Cube. All you have to do is to solve it and you will be on your way. Good Luck and don't get too frusterated."

"Okay, I Will obviously solve it. Luckily I play this so many time." Hanson laughed, and he then started to solve the rubik's cube. He was actually so good at it. But then he started thinking in his mind "Hmm... I am really happy that we are at this position, but what if we will never get out of this place. This place really fits me, but I am also worried for my parents. Maybe I should worry later and finish this first." So Hanson kept going, and going, and until at one point, he finished the rubik's cube in no time

Solve the cube in under 10 minutes
*Reward claimed:
60 Quadras
"I knew that I was fast, but I didn't know that I was that fast. I guess now I just need to find the right path now." So he then kept on walking and noticed something. When he went more to North East, the place becomes brighter. So he did the obvious thing. He went near it, and he found something interesting. He found a map, that shows where he is currently at "I think that this is where I am in the maze. I just need to... WHAT, I NEED TO GO AROUND THE MAZE TO??? I AM GOING INSANE BRO!" So that was when finally Hanson realize why the side quest is worthy of the 2 star rating "If this is a 2 star side quest, then how hard is the higher star ratings. This is so bogus, but I think that I have just the idea to make things easier." So he activated his 3rd chip from the Twilight, and went trough the maze while jumping to see how far is he from the finish. He first tried to jump from wall to wall, but the jump boost isn't high enough to reach the wall's height. As he planned to do from the beginning, he kept on following the light that leads to the finish. He eventually got into another dead end, it was just like the other one, but this time, it has a different puzzle.

"Welcome to the second puzzle, Hanson. This time, you will be trying to get a secret code. You will be given a paper to give you a little hint of what the word is going to be. You will be placed in a room that has all the clues for each letter of the word. Again I say to you, if you faint or fall, then you will be sent back to the gym. Good Luck and don't get too frustrated."

"Whoa... what is going on right now..." Hanson was feeling a little dizzy for a while, until he realized that he is right now in another room. He sees a desk that has a paper on it, it's the only thing that is inside the room. He then picked it up, and read what's written "Hmm... the word has 5 words. It says that it's the traitor, and I am going to right away start solving it!" Hanson was ready. He had his brain working hard at that time "So the first letter is said to be what the twin of the desk is... well that is obviously the table, so that means that we have a T. So then it instantly skips to the third word and says that it's the third letter of the word that is spelled anonymously." Hanson was stuck and was stuck thinking in that room for 5 minutes. It already means that he lost 25 minutes, and if he doesn't finish right away then he will fail "Oh my gosh why is this so ha... wait a minute anonymously! That's the word, and the third letter is O so we have a T and an O. Next is said that the fourth word is the first letter of something where people stay at if they haven't arrived to their destinations yet, that would be a Motel. People go to Motels, and the first word is M. So let's just keep going with this. The second word is said to be the first word of something that people count on and only appears when you believe. I think that it is hope, because if you believe in something then there is still hope. And hope is what people count on when they are in danger, so the next word is H." Hanson was finally at his final word, but this is time it's different because it is written with dark blood "Oh my goodness... what happened here. Well it says that it's somebody in the base, so i guess the only thing I need to do is to guess the word with every letter in the fifth letter of the word. Let's see, there's Thoma, Thomb, Thomc, Tho..." then he reached the letter P "Thomp, Thom.. whhooooaaaa, whhhyy.. isss.. ttthhhii...ss.. shakkkiiinn...gg...." It kept on shaking and then the dead end opened and became a direct opening to the finish. But he thinks that it was a glitch, but other than that he saw the portal that leads back to the base. But then he saw some floating words with a paper that has a tear at the top of it, but what he didn't know is that at the bottom of the clue paper there was also a tear. And when he tried to stick them together, it actually fits nicely "Well in this paper, it says. Son, stay away from him. He is fake, this is from Hanson's dad. DAD!! WHERE ARE YOU!! I can only help by helping Deshawn and Kenelm. But after this, I gotta get to Thompson immediately. Now, LET'S GO!!!" He jumped in, and hopefully he comes back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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