Questions For Myself

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Where does the inspiration come from?? Is it comin from the pain I experience when I feel love that goes unloved in return?? Is it from the thought of someone caring abt me?? From thinkin I wont be alone?? Or is it all just an illusion a mirage formulated out of raw emotions I hope to feel as well as hoping someone feels the same abt me. Why do I put so much of myself in to caring for others but I dont do the same for myself?? I know I should but it just doesnt make any sense. Its like I need to feel the warmth of another human being whether it is through touch or simply just through affection I am a fiend for it. How come I dont get the same affection I strive to give to those I am exclusive with?? Am I not worthy of such love?? Is there a sign on my head saying "Not Intended For Love Move Along!" Am I cursed with bein someone who loves but is never loved in return?? Do I really have to train myself not to be such a loving giving caring human being so I am not made the fool yet again. Why should I change the fact that I love love and I love to love and I love to be loved?? Why is it so hard to find someone willing to let love take its course. Nowadays people just wanna find a good fuck buddy but when you love someone the connection in the bedroom is even more exhilarating. Will I ever experience this or am I doomed to a life of mediocre sex with mediocre humans?? Im not sayin I have the best sex and I am the best sexual partner but I am confident that once my heart is filled with love and its met its match my performance is that much more genuine and long lasting. If I get the chance to be someones everything I wont let it slip by me. I want the opportunity to give someone all of my love and more.

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