Chapter 15 - The Mystical Liger

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Hei cracked an eye open, then the other. He took a minute to breathe deeper and feel completely awake. Then he frowned.

All throughout his morning training, his line of thought remained wrapped around the same statement: "Helping strong, beautiful girls is nothing but trouble". His mind and his still-throbbing injuries continued telling the same story and he was making what he felt was a life-turning decision: "If a beautiful girl looks like she needs help, ignore her, and run away from her like the plague".

His father, wiping his own brow after working on the orchids and the little vegetable patches around the mountain, noticed his son tensely punching the rope-wrapped wooden beam he had set up for practice (as taught in school) and put a hand on Hei's shoulder.

"Are you feeling alright, son?"

Hei was startled but he relaxed his shoulder quickly. "I was losing my form", Hei replied.

Aogami scratched behind his ear and saw his son practice some more. Very skilled observers would have noted the tight expression, the broader stance and how the dust from the back of the thick wooden pole made angry-looking clouds. Aogami only noticed that his son didn't greet him with his usual 'good morning, father'. He sighed.

"It's all wrong...", Aogami mumbled.

Hei tensed further and hit the ropes harder. After a number of repeating punches, he carefully looked at his fists. There were very sore spots in his knuckles. He lowered his head and thought his father found him disappointing.

"Son, I don't mean to pry. Your technique is good but I think your spirit is not sitting still. Let me gry and guess. Is this about going back to school?"

Hei gave his father a half smile. It was nice when others didn't read his mind. Then he realized. "Ah, good morning, father. No, I look forward to the last term."

Aogami looked around and picked some blades of grass off the ground and motioned Hei to get closer. He squeezed the grass sap into Hei's knuckles, which barely made his son wince.

"Okay, okay. No need to say a word from now. I'll be sure to figure it out", Aogami replied and then asked "Is it about the baby? Please know that your mother and I will take perfect care of both of you!".

Hei made a suspicious face at his father as if asking 'How's a guy without a job going to feed a family of 4, or 5 if we count grandpa?'

"Don't give me that face, son! Your mother's filled my heart with so much love I have enough to spare for you and even more kids!"

Hei smiled. It was really refreshing when others didn't know what he was thinking.

"You finished your homework so I don't think that's it", Aogami said and crossed his arms, considering what was making Hei upset.

"Is it the joints? Monky said Mr. Monk had helped you heal completely."

Hei shook his head and moved his limbs and body fluidly to prove his point.

"Is it because you couldn't get yourself a girlfriend on summer?", Aogami joked.

The tension settled on Hei like a power grid. One of his eyes twitched.

Oblivious, Aogami continued teasing, "Could it be one of your friends did it and you're envious?"

Hei made a confused face.

"I know! it's because you haven't visited the Higher Western Shrine this summer!"

Hei made a curious face.

"In case you're wondering, the Higher Western Shrine is a kind of temple where one of Martial's deities decided to stand to bring a mystical balance to this land. Unlike any other shrines, it stays active most of the year with lots of food stalls and souvenir shops in its path. Sure, lots of clans say it's just a myth and superstition but your mom and I visited the summer you were born and you came out super healthy and strong, just like we wished!"

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