Chapter 4: A Secret to Keep

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It was 10 minutes after Rod's rescue that he, Jenny and Holley were making their way back to Tokyo to meet with Finn before the first WGP race, although Holley and Jenny didn't go too fast just yet because Rod was still damaged and hurt, so they had to take their time a little bit. 

"Rod?" Jenny suddenly asked as she walked alongside him, with Holley ahead, who couldn't hear what was being said.

"Yeah?" The American asked. 

"Look, there's... a secret that I want you to keep." 

"Depends what it is, but go ahead. I'm listening." 

"Remember how I said that where I come from, this whole thing is a film? Well, because of that, I know that you're the agent Holley and our friend, Finn, were sent to meet last night,..." And then Jenny explained, out of the earshot of Holley and without revealing who was behind the Allinol plot, why Finn and Holley needed to think that Mater was the American spy they were sent to meet and that Rod was his associate. If they didn't, then the events of this whole thing would've taken an entirely different path.

After she was done explaining, Rod chewed his lip for a moment, deciding what to do, before he answered with,

"Okay. If the events of this are as important as you say they are, then I'll tell Holley and Finn that I'm the associate of the tow truck, who I'll also say is the American agent. So, yeah. Your secret's safe with me, kid." Rod gave her a friendly smile. 

"Why is he in the pits? He's so exposed!" Said Holley a few minute stuff later as they were all back in the hotel room in Tokyo, overlooking the WGP race. Finn and Holley were by the window, Jenny was stood a little bit of a distance back, and Rod was parked in the corner, resting after having just been repaired. 

"It's his cover. One of the best I've seen, too." Came Finn's calm answer. "Look at the detail on that rust. It must have cost him a fortune!" 

"But why hasn't he contacted us yet?"'

"There's probably heat on him. Be patient." 

"Right, yes, of course." Holley acknowledged. "He'll signal us when he can." 

"And then we find out..." Finn began to say, but then he and Jenny finished at exactly the same time, "...Who's behind all this." They both flinched a little when this happened. Finn turned around and raised an eyebrow. 

"Well that was strange..." Finn remarked. 

"Sorry. One of your lines from the movie. I couldn't resist." Jenny apologised, blushing. Finn smiled at the girl and rolled his eyes before looking at Rod and asking,

"How are you feeling now, Agent Redline?" 

"A lot better, thanks. Still hurting a little, but I'd say about 90% of the pain's gone." 

"Good, good. I'm glad to hear. Those cars who captured you certainly hurt you severely, but it's good you're fine now." 

"Hold on, I think I've got something." Holley suddenly informed. 

"What is it?" Enquired Finn. 

"It's the Pacer from the party last night. I'm cross-referencing with the photos from the oil derricks..." The computer took a moment to load up the results. "...Yep. His VIN numbers match." 

"Anyone with him? He won't be alone." 

"Conducting analysis on the target. He's not the only one here. 3... 5... They're everywhere!" She exclaimed as her computer found more and more Lemons in the area. "And they're all closing in on-..." Then it showed the Lemons' target: Mater. "Oh no! Finn? Finn, where are you?" Because Finn had indeed disappeared, and the only remnant of his presence was the open window at the back of the room, with the curtains gently fluttering in the wind. 

"Get him out of the pits, now!" Finn was heard telling her through the communication link between them. 

Much later, after Finn's fight with the Lemons in the back alley, the 4 of them were all either asleep or very close to drifting off in the room, and the room was silent except for Holley making slight mumbling noises in her sleep. Jenny was still awake, but was very tired and was close to falling asleep. She looked at her watch; it was apparently 11:25 PM. 

"Jenny...?" Came the quiet and tired sound of Finn's voice out of the darkness. "Are you still awake?" 

"Yeah. I guess I'm just a little more restless than I was last night. Probably because the fact of me being in the Cars universe hasn't fully sunk in yet, and that we saved a life today." She smiled as she looked over at Rod, who was peacefully sleeping in his own bed. 

"Yes, that's true. Goodness knows what would've happened if we hadn't have saved this man's life "It just goes to show how easily events can be altered. How the course of the future can be changed with a simple event." 

"Like in time travel movies." 

"Exactly." Finn then yawned for a moment. "I think we should try to get some sleep now. It's late, and we need to leave early in the morning to find Agent Redline's associate and get the information. So, goodnight Jenny." 

"'Night, Finn." Jenny said back, and then she rolled over onto her side and soon fell into a dreamless but blissful sleep, smiling to herself at how exciting this had been already. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2018 ⏰

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