Chapter 3

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Two days had dragged on in Beca's opinion, mostly because all she did those unfortunate 48 hours was school work (that she thought was pointless), some work at the radio station she just started her internship at, and not see Chloe.

After that shower incident, Beca really wanted to see Chloe.

However, now she found herself running late to the auditions for the acapella groups (something Beca still was hesitant of). Beca sprinted as fast as her tiny legs would go across the campus and quickly entered the auditorium from the back where the singers entered. She slowed her pace and caught her breath, trying to remain calm. She wasn't necessarily nervous about singing, but singing in front of Chloe solo was still cause for anxiety in the small brunette.

After catching her breath, she turned the corner only to see a scrawny boy talking to four separate groups of people sitting in the seats before the stage. Beca spotted fiery red hair and made contact with bright blue eyes.

"Oh wait! There's one more!" Chloe announced, interrupting Tommy's wrap up speech. She smiled brightly as Beca walked out on stage. She was hoping the shorter girl would make an appearance today: partially because Beca was truly talented in her vocal skills, but also because Chloe enjoyed this game of flirting with the younger girl and hoped to get to know her more intimately. The red head also very much appreciated the shirt that exposed Beca's cleavage quite well.

"Sing whatever you would like," Chloe said politely.

"It's supposed to be 'Since U Been Gone'," Aubrey muttered.

Beca felt her face go red. She only knew maybe five lines from that song. "I, uh…didn't know that we had to prepare that song."

Chloe waved her hand, "No worries. It's fine, Aubrey. Beca, just sing, okay?" Aubrey sent a small glare over to her co-captain, but relented.

Well, there goes my confidence. Beca felt slightly unnerved by the blonde, but instead of giving her the satisfaction of being intimidated, she was determined to be confident and successful in her audition. She gestured to the cup containing different pens and pencils, and with a nod from Chloe she took the cup.

She started tapping a beat, thankful now for her day commitment of learning the trick, and began to sing. Her voice carried out as she kept a steady beat doing what she did best – focus on the music.

"You're gonna miss me by my hair, you're gonna miss me everywhere, you're gonna miss me when I'm gone."

As she hit the final note and beat, she looked up at the two ladies, and gave a small shrug and smile. The smile was nothing compared to the way Chloe's face lit up, however, and she internally victory danced over impressing her soul mate. Aubrey, though? Not so much.

Apparently though, a third party was impressed as she heard a small "wow," come from the side of the stage. Beca glanced over to see Jesse, the goofy grinning boy who also worked with her at the radio station. He stared at her with immense admiration.

Perfect, Beca mentally groaned.

Later the next night, after being whisked away and initiated by Chloe and Aubrey into the Barden Bellas (which goes down as the creepiest experience of Beca's life thus far), they all begin to celebrate with the other groups and new members. Beca was standing and watching the others dancing and socializing, content with her brief moments of peace. She considered seeking out Chloe, but wants the red head to come to her.

Even though Beca knows that Chloe is her soul mate, Chloe does not. Beca can't be too forward with the red head and scare her off, and Beca wants to know this is real. She wants Chloe to want her, not just because Beca has the advantage of knowing already they were meant to be together.

"BECAW!" A drunk Jesse screeched, pulling Beca out of her thoughts. She forced out a smile and waved slightly at him as he approached her.

"Isn't this great? I'm one of those acapella boys, you're one of those acapella girls, and we're going to have little aca-children. It's inevitable," Jesse stated with certainty.

Beca stared at the boy before laughing. And not little giggles, either. No, Beca was letting out full on belly laughs that were bringing tears to her eyes at the irony of Jesse's statement. She couldn't even remember the last time she had laughed so hard. As Beca wiped the tears from her eyes, she noticed the dejected look on Jesse's face. Ah fuck me, Beca thought.

"I'm sorry Jesse, I didn't mean to be rude," Beca stated seriously, but still fighting a smile from appearing. Chloe was walking over toward her.

He half smiled. "It's okay. I'm drunk so don't mind me. Speaking of, I'm going to get another drink. Would you like one?"

Beca nodded quickly. Chloe was getting closer. "Yeah sure, that'd be great."

Jesse smiled and walked away, mentioning something about "getting on this level," when Beca felt all rational thinking leave her as Chloe pulled her arms down, making them face to face with maybe an inch of space. "I think we're going to be really fast friends," Chloe husked out.

Feeling her bad ass side come out, Beca calmly remarked, "Well, you saw me naked, so…" and threw in a wink for good measure.

Chloe giggled lightly, mixed with both the alcohol and Beca's confidence that was both cute and sexy.

Focus on the sexy, Chloe thought to herself. 'Cute' could become quickly and dangerously associated with intense feelings that Chloe definitely is not searching for with the younger brunette.

"And what a sight it was," Chloe rasped out.

Beca smirked. "I could say the same for you, Red."

Chloe tilted her head. "Red, huh?"

The DJ nodded her head. "Red's a good nickname. Especially because your red hair and perky personality were definitely the first things I noticed about you." And that you were my soul mate.

"Before or after you ran away from me?" Chloe teased.

Beca groaned and caused Chloe to let out a loud laugh. "I had somewhere to be," Beca muttered out, still embarrassed by the situation.

"Oh? Where was that?" Chloe asked intently, studying the brunette's face, with a playful smile on her own.

Luckily for Beca, instead of stuttering like an idiot, she retorted, "I'm a mystery, Red. Accept it."

Chloe paused and then moved her head so her lips were right next to Beca's ear. "I love a challenge," the red head said sensually. She placed a kiss on Beca's cheek and then began to walk away from the younger girl.

Beca, temporarily stunned, snapped out of it and yelled, "Where are you going?" She wanted more of Chloe, especially if it meant more of that.

Chloe turned and shouted back, "This ginger needs her jiggle juice!" With that, Chloe turned back around, smacked her ass, and sauntered over to the drinks.

Beca stared at Chloe's ass. "Where have you been all my life?"

"I'm right here, baby!" An even more intoxicated Jesse shouted from behind Beca. The brunette rolled her eyes, and turned to face Jesse. However, as Jesse began explaining something about being 'king of campus', Beca turned briefly to find Chloe dancing away with some of the other Bellas. The red head looked over at Beca and smirked. Beca half smiled, turning back to talk to Jesse.

Oh yes, Chloe would be an excellent addition to my life.

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