Chapter 14

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      Seth appeared at the end of my driveway in exactly twenty minutes. I didn't look perfect but I looked good enough. I got into the car and buckled up and he took off without saying a word. 

     "So...." I trailed, looking around the car. "How are you?" 

   I could hear him laugh from the front seat. "I'm good Miss Winters, how are you doing today?" He said looking into the rear view mirror.

   "I'm good, glad its Saturday, though I bet you weren't planning on working today were you?" I asked and he shrugged.

  "I work when Grey needs me."

   "Oh so you call him Grey?" I asked, leaning forward and laying my head in my hands on the seat in front of me. 

   "Grey and I go back a while. I've worked for him for a couple of years, I've spent many long nights in the office with him or at bars, I've become pretty good friends with him."

   "So your more friends than an employee?"

   "Of course not, but we got onto first name basis." He joked as we turned onto a different street.

   It wasn't long before he came to a stop outside a very tall building, this must be where Grey lives. "Floor 23." Wow, same number as work.

   "Your not coming up Seth?" I asked and he shook his head.

  "I have strict orders not to Miss Winters." He said and I nodded, i could accept that. I unbuckled and slid to the door.

  "Thank you Seth." I said and opened the door, stepping out. "Oh, and call me Mari." I smiled and shut the door turning around to the building.



    The elevator let me off at floor 23 and the only thing in front of me was a door. I knocked on it and stood back. "Come in!" I heard Grey's voice yell from inside. So i took a step inside.

   "I could be a murder and you just invited me in." I joked as I entered the flat. I could hear Grey talking back to me but couldnt tell where he was.

   "I have cameras aimed at the door I can see you outside." 

  "Where are you?" I asked looking around. Grey had a pretty impressive flat, huge windows pointing at the windows so you could see a view of the city. He had a few lounge chairs around a flat screen and I could see a hallway leading into the kitchen. It looked like it had all been redone recently, that or very well kept up.

   "Grey!" I shouted again looking around. A door opened that I hadn't seen and Grey stepped out in jeans and a regular T-shirt, this is probably the most dressed down I have ever seen him.

  "I'm right here, geeze, don't yell." He teased. I smiled instantly when I saw him as he walked over to me. 

   It got silent for a second as Grey grabbed my purse and set it down on the coffee table and then pulled me towards the couch. "Do you want a drink?" He asked and headed towards the kitchen.

   "Water is fine." I said and he nodded. He came back in a second with a bottle of wine and two glasses. "You realize I'm underage right?" I smirked and he shrugged.

   "you are staying here for awhile and not driving, I feel like its okay. It is just wine after all." He said and sat down next to me and opened the wine.

  "You realize its like noon right?" I asked and he laughed. "Your turning into a little alchy." I grinned. 

   He rolled his eyes and poured two glasses and handed me one. I sat back in the chair and took a sip before nodding and looking up at him. "Okay, lets talk." I said as he groaned and leaned back into the chair pulling me closer to him.

   "I don't want to."

   "We have to, we were supposed to break up on Monday and you pushed it off and invited your mother over to have dinner at my house that day. And to top it off.." I got up and walked over to the windows with my glass of wine. "When I asked you about it you said we would push it off, like what does that even mean?" I asked taking a sip as Grey got up and moved closer to me. "We need to have a plan, we need to think this through because I lied and you went with it for some reason." Grey grabbed the wine glass out of my hand and set them both down on the coffee table. 

   "Grey, what are you-" I was cut off when Grey lightly cupped my face and kissed me. No cameras, no audience just us, in his flat in the middle of Chicago. I let myself go and tangled my fingers in his hair. He deepened the kiss, our lips moving in sync and it was the first time we had actually kissed, not for public eye not for the sake of his family. Not for anyone's enjoyment, but our own.

     He pulled away, just as gently and rested his head against my forehead. "Okay we really need to talk now." I said and he laughed and pushed away from me. I liked the sound of his laugh, carefree, not forced. He seemed happy, here, with me.

  Maybe things could stay this way. "Mari." Grey said snapping me out of my thoughts as he sat on the arm of the sofa. "What about, if we didnt break up?" He raised an eyebrow as I frowned. Shaking my head I sat down on the sofa and pulled my knees up, wrapping my arms around them.

   I didn't want to play liar anymore, I wanted something real, I liked Grey, more than I should and it was dangerous. But I didn't want the chance of getting caught in this lie. I didn't want to do that to his family. 

   "Grey, I dont want to continue lying." I said and he smirked, sliding down onto the actual sofa.

   "Amara, I'm not talking about our current situation, what if we, dated. For real?" I couldn't believe the words leaving his mouth. He wanted to date me, like actually date me, not just take pictures and be on the news with me.


  "What if, instead of pretending to date, we actually dated. Go out, dancing, dinner, movies, all that jazz." He smiled as he pulled my hands into his and ran his fingers down my palms.

  "Okay, im going to need you to be super clear about this." I said, making sure I wasn't making all this up.

   "Oh my god, Amara be my girlfriend!" A smile erupted onto my face as I giggled and threw my arms around Grey's neck and kissed him immediately. He reacted just as fast grabbing a hold of The chair so we didn't fall off the sofa. 

    Our lips moved in sync as my hands moved to his face, cupping his face and pulling him closer. "Is that a yes?" He asked against my lips as I laughed and pulled away.

  "Yes, of course that's a yes." 

   "Good." Grey smiled and pulled me back into him, a little to hard apparently because we fell off the back of the sofa and landed on the floor wrapped in each others arms. It didn't stop us though, it only made me laugh harder. 

   Our laughter was cut short though when my cell phone rang and I pushed to my feet. I hit answer before looking to see who it was, which wasnt something I usually did. "Girl where are you at?" I recognized Delta's voice immediately as she spoke.

   "Hey babe, I'm a little busy today, can I call you later? We can do something tonight." I offered and heard her groan. Grey groaned as well and sat up with me, tugging my shirt and pulling me into him. It was like suddenly he couldn't keep his hands off me, now that he had permission. 

   "Who is that?" Delta asked hearing Grey groan. "Oh my god girl you arent- Oh my god you so are!" She yelled into the phone as Grey kissed my neck, moving my hair around.

   "Oh my god, Delta, no!" I laughed, trying to ignore the tingles shooting through my body. "I'll call you later okay, we will hang out later." I hit end before I completly lost control and turned towards Grey who was pouting

   "I wanted you tonight." He stuck his bottom lip out and I just rolled my eyes. 

   I was dating Grey Thomas.


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