Chapter 3

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    I got home from my internship and I thought I was going to puke. "Oh my god."  I said kicking my shoes off at the door.

   "That's my life." Laken said and I laughed.

  "It sucks."

  "Yeah." He said and I fell onto the couch. "So what did you think of Mr. Thomas?" Laken asked as he layed next to me.

   "ugh." I groaned and he laughed. 

  "Yeah, he's very...." He said trailing off.

   "Cold, rude, curt."

   "He is just professional. He doesn't like to let his life interfere with his work so he doesn't make connections at work." He said and I groaned.

   "That makes sense. So he doesn't have any girlfriends or guy friends or his family never comes and visits?" I asked and he shook his head.

   "I've never seen him with a girl, his dad passed away as you know and I've seen a few friends meet him at the door when he was leaving, but that's it. He's very private, he likes to stay that way. The news is always all over him trying to figure out the company, everything about it is a secret, we aren't allowed to talk about products that we might release and we aren't allowed to talk to Mr. Thomas unless its about the company. It was hard trying to get you a job there."

   "I think he likes you." I joked and he laughed.

   "I don't think he likes anybody." That was fine with me. I didn't need anything from him except the chance to get experience in the business world. "When are the twins coming over?" Laken asked and I looked at my watch,

   "Five minutes probably." They were always on time. I got up and headed upstairs to change into different clothes.

   I slipped on jean shorts and a regular T-shirt and put my hair into a loose messy bun on my head. As soon as I hit the bottom of the stairs the front door opened up and Dylan and Delta ran in my house with bags of beer and various other liquors in their arms. 

   "Parrtyyyyy!" Dylan screamed moving her hips as she danced to no music. I laughed and went over to hug them.

   "I cant believe we are almost done for the summer."

   "Bitch I am done." Dylan grinned and headed towards the kitchen. Laken took one look at the bags in their arms and shook his head.

   "Okay, I am going to go upstairs and get ready for dinner." Oh shit, I forgot that Beverly was coming over for dinner. "Can you guys put off getting hammered until after dinner?" He asked and Dylan and Delta Groaned in unison.

   "Fine but you better be making something good for dinner." Delta said and we headed towards the living room. 

   Dylan and Delta were my best friends. I met them during my freshman year at college and we had stuck together since.

   If you didn't know them you couldn't tell them apart, they were that similar. Sometimes they even dress the same to throw me off.  

   They both were super tall and super skinny, they could probably be models if they wanted to. Both girls were tan, with long brown hair and deep blue eyes. They were absolutely beautiful and they knew it, however they didn't shove it in your face, they were modest about it. We were alike in many ways, but they were different from each other.

   Dylan was more outgoing and rambunctious, where as Delta was quieter and more preserved. But they got along perfectly and they were always there for each other, it was amazing being their friend because they did the same for me. "Okay so spill." Delta said sitting on my couch while Dylan got glasses for our wine.

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