Chapter 6: Phone calls and More Work-Part 4: Recalling the Arrancars

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        Sup guys! So I have another chapter done and hopefully another after this one, I'll just have to see. By the way, Sora was changed to a female charcter a little while back so excuse any gender mistakes I didn't get. Sorry if it's short too, I ran out of ideas on how I could stretch this chapter out longer but hopefully the next chapter will have more for you to read.

(I think you get the idea now since I say this too much but excuse any mistakes I missed, I feel like I'm half asleep even though it's waaaayyyy past afternoon already...╰(θ▲θ)╯)

                                    ◦◯*✩Have fun reading!✩*◯◦


        Katsumi waited for a little while until she grabbed the phone again and re dialled the number for Las Noches. She waited until someone finally picked up the phone.

“Hello?” asked Grimmjow. It sounded as if he was in a dark and mysterious room...or she could just be imagining it.

“So did you see who wanted to come?” Katsumi asked hopefully before he sighed.

“Uh...Starrk and his fracción, Yammy, Tier and her fraccións, Ulquiorra, Nnoitra and his fracción, me and my fraccións, Szayel but not his fraccións of course and Nel with her friends” he replied while his voice seemed to echo.

“Why’s your voice echoing?” Katsumi asked curiously.

“That bastard, Ulquiorra, cut off my arm after I said something to him and I’m healing it in a giant, dark room” he replied angrily before Katsumi smiled in amusement and for the fact that she was right when he replied that he was in a dark room.

“Well at least you can get Orihime to heal it quickly if she comes later” Katsumi pointed out cheerfully before he grunted a slightly happy response.

“What did you say to him to get him of all people worked up” asked Toshiro curiously, still not looking up from his work.

“I told him that he was a sucker for Katsumi” he replied with a scoff as if he was realising now that it wasn’t a good idea. Toshiro gave a snort himself before Katsumi shook her head at Grimmjow’s stupid idea but hey! At least this isn’t the first time so Katsumi isn’t that disappointed.

“Well can you pick up some of the Visoreds and Ichigo’s friends and bring them here too?” she asked, hoping that he would say yes or she’d have to call the Visoreds again and change the plan up a bit.

“Yea, sure” he replied lazily.

“Alright then! Meet them outside Urahara’s shop sometime before three” she instructed carefully, making sure that she remembered to tell him all the details.

“Alright” he replied before Katsumi clapped her hands together happily.

“Ok! I’ll see ya then, bye!” she said cheerfully before Grimmjow muttered his own bye and then hung up, letting Katsumi hang up as well. Katsumi sighed contently before stretching once more.

“One more call left to make and it’s off to dreamland for me!” she cheered happily before Toshiro looked up at her with a weird look. She made a grin and held up her thumbs enthusiastically before Toshiro rolled his eyes and went back to his work. Katsumi giggled quietly before she made another group chat which included Ichigo, his friends, the residents of Urahara's shop and then waited for them to all pick up.

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