Chapter 9

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I slowly opened my eyes when my sleep been disturbed by the sunlights that shines bright on my room. I rubbed my eyes and found out that he is not in the bed. Then, I turned and look at the clock. 9:30 am, Sunday, May 31. We're not working today, for sure but where did my husband go ? With that thought inside my head, I woke up from the bed and tied up my hair while walked towards the door. I walked out from my room and walked towards my daughter's room to visit her but she was not in the room.

"Where's these two ?" I asked myself. I've started to panic. Two special person in my life right now is missing. I quickly walked down the stairs and went to the kitchen with the hope that I will found them there but no, there's no one in the kitchen. They're not in the living room too. I wore my slippers and walked to the garden and look for them but they're not there too.

"Tara, Ranbir..." I said, worried as I entered my house and tried to search inside the room again. My heart beats so fast as I was so worried about them. Tears started to fall down from my cheeks when I walked up the stairs and searched for them again inside the rooms. As I opened the door of my room,

"Happy birthday, Mama !!!" yelled my daughter as she quickly jumped off the bed and run towards me before she hugged me. I quickly crouched to hug her tightly.

"My God, Tara...I thought you were missing. I'm almost die just now, Tara..." I said as I cupped her face and kissed her forehead.

"Mama, I'm here now...don't cry, Mama." smiled Tara while wiped my tears. She inherited my dimples.

"Where's Papa ?" I asked her and she pointed to my back.

"Morning, sweetheart." smiled Ranbir while holding a plate of chocolate cake.

"It's not my birthday today, Bira." I said as I carried my three years old daughter.

"I know. It's our wedding anniversary. Hold on, Tara said happy birthday instead of happy anniversary ?" asked Ranbir.

"Oops, sorry Papa." said my daughter, bite her tongue. Ranbir and I just smiled looking at our daughter's behaviour. We let our daughter to blow the candle because she's very fond to do it. Then, we cut the cake.

"I love you so much." said Ranbir as he gave a peck on my lips.

"I love you too." I said as I replied his peck.

"I love both of you too !" said Tara before she gave both of peck on our cheeks.

It's been four years since I married my unknown bodyguard and blessed with a cute daughter. My life isn't perfect but I'm very thankful for everything that I have in my life right now. I'm handling my Dad's company while Ranbir still working as bodyguard (exclusively to my family, if you know what I mean) but at the same time he's working as a freelance photographer. Our life is same like any other married couple. We do have some misunderstanding, ups and downs, laughs and tears but above of all, we're end up in each other embrace as we can't live without each other.

"Okay, we're going out today so who's ready for ice cream and cotton candy ?" asked Ranbir after let us taste the cake. The cake was so delicious, for God sake !

"Me !!!" said Tara, while jumped up and down to show how excited she is.

"Okay, but don't eat it too much. It's not good for teeth." I said as I pointed to Tara's teeth. She just lost one tooth last week. You know how kids love all those sweet things, right ?

"Okay, Mama." winked Tara. She inherited that winked style obviously from Ranbir.

"Okay, now let's take bath and get ready. We're going to shopping because Mama loves to shopping and then we're going to buy ice cream, okay ?" said Ranbir before he carried Tara and get into the bathroom.

I smiled and get everything ready before went out. Actually, I have a surprise for both of them. A good news.

We were having lots of fun spending our time together that day. It's my fourth wedding anniversary with Ranbir. He bought me an limited edition Jimmy Choo's heels and a customised 'Love' gold chain. He was so sweet and that's one of the reason why I keeps falling in love with him. I bought him a Gucci shirt and a pair of golden Nike sneaker. Why sneakers ? Ranbir just love sneakers like so much ! Then, we bought a cotton candy for Tara as she was very eager to eat it. Ranbir never let go off my hands while we're roaming inside the shopping mall. Although, it's a normal thing for us, but sometimes simple things really mean a lot to me.

"Mama, ice cream... ice cream." said Tara when she saw the ice cream stall.

"Okay, let's go there. Bira, we..."

"It's okay. You guys can go but..." paused Ranbir as he walked closer to me and pecked my lips before whispered, "don't be late. I'll miss you so much."

"Bira...that's so cheesy." I blushed before walked away from him.

I held Tara's hands tightly as we walked out towards the exit door of the shopping mall. She was so excited to buy the ice cream. Vanilla, her favourite flavour. She was walking and dancing at the same time and sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star song as we reached the ice cream stall. The ice cream seller already known Tara's favourite flavour and he gave the ice cream to her. Tara was so happy. Kids and their excitements. Then, we walked out from the stall and saw Ranbir already waited for us from the other side of the road. I was about to hold Tara's hands but she ran away towards Ranbir.

"Tara, careful." I said as I let her ran towards her father and thankfully, Ranbir already got her. I was about to cross the road when suddenly a speeding red car broke out and I was thrown into the road. My head was very painful and my vision began to blur as I heard someone screamed my name,

"Deepika !!!"

A blurred figure bent down in front of me and that's the last thing I remembered before my vision turns into a complete dark.

I woke up and slowly opened my eyes. I looked around and found myself inside lying in a bed inside a room. My head dizzy and eyes hurt. I couldn't remember anything. At the same time, I've realised that there was a man sat besides my bed rests his head on the bed while holding my right hand. I don't recognised his face. What he's doing in here ? Why he's holding my hands ? Who is he ? I slowly pulled out my hands from his grip and accidentally he woke up.

"Sweetheart, you're awake..." smiled the guy as he lean closer to me.

"Who are you ?" I stopped him as I gripped his hands from touched me.

"Sweetheart, it's me. Ranbir..." said the guy.

"Ranbir ? Who's Ranbir ? Where am I ? Why I'm here ? Who am I ?" I asked.

"Sweetheart, I'm your husband..." said the guy, wobbled.

"Husband ?"

"Yes, Deepika..."

"Deepika ?" I asked him before I felt a very pain in my head. His voice making my mind recalled some memories but those memories was unclear. I saw a man, women, hugged me, talked to me, laughed with me, but everything was blurred and I can't remember anything. What's actually happened to me ? I can heard that guy quickly called the doctor and nurses when he saw I was struggling with the pain.

"Mr. Kapoor, please leave for a while." ordered the doctor before he checked my pulse and continued, "Mrs. Kapoor, we need you to relax. Calm down..."

Then, I slowly feel sleepy but I heard something before I doze off. I'm pretty sure the doctor was telling him that,

"Ranbir, your wife experiences amnesia."

Author's Note : Forgive me, please ?

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