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"How much more are you going to drink?" You say to your friend Hyun-mi who's been drinking from the moment you guys arrived in the bar.

"C'mon now Y/N. Not every day I can drink. And plus this is our last get together so have fun!" Hyun-mi says over excitedly for which you roll your eyes. You never liked her this side where she becomes an annoying brat. But as she said earlier it's your last get together with her so you are bearing with it.

"I just can't believe you are really going. I mean how are you going to stay there without us!" Meera says dramatically to her while wiping out her invisible tears.

"Yah Meera don't be so sentimental now. I'm sure you wouldn't even come here with us if you were in her place." Nara says jokingly while Meera faceplams at her for which you all burst out laughing.

While chatting and drinking, Hyun-mi wisper shouts to you all,"Omg guys look over there!"

You follow her finger which is pointing to the corner of the bar to find a guy. A very handsome guy. He's wearing a white shirt, maroon coloured jacket on top, ripped jean and black shoes. From judging his outfit you can certainly say he's rich which put you in a thought. What is a rich boy doing in a cheap bar? Well it's not your fault that you find everything suspicious after what's happening lately. But your thoughts interrupt by your friends.

"Omo he's gorgeous. I'm going to ask for his number." Meera says. You look at her annoyingly.

"You don't even know anything bout him." Nara tells her. " Well Miss genius that's why I need his number." Meera replies.

"I can't believe you guys." Seung-ha speaks for the first time after you came here. "I can't believe how you are so at ease. After what's been happening I can't even breath properly, fearing anything can happen to me at any moment. And here you are laughing, flirting. Gosh" she says, disgust and fear takes over her face.

"So what are we supposed to do then? Locked up ourselves to our room and cry the shit out of us?!" Hyun-mi snaps at her.

"Guys guys don't creat a scene here." Nara tries to calm them.

"Look Seung-ha I can understand your concern. We are scared as hell too. That's why we're trying to forget by laughing and... we're not flirting here." Meera says.

"You know no matter how much I feel upset about flying over to Japan specially without you guys, it makes me feel a lot more relieved knowing that I will be free from this." Hyun-mi says.

"That's right. I wish we all could go too." Nara says. They all nods in agreement except for Seung-ha.

You look at Seung-ha. You know exactly how she is feeling now. And you can't help but to feel the same.

Now let me clear what are you guys talking about. There's been a serial killer out there murdering your class-mates in the past 3 months. And the murder number is 6. At first everyone thought it was a normal serial killer killing young people. But after the number stared to increase, everyone got the point that this is not an ordinary serial killer and his/her target is the 2017th year of your high school which was your year. Police has warned everyone of you to be extra careful and if you find any mere clue report it to the police as soon as possible. So that's what Seung-ha is worried about. Not just her, everyone of you is scared of that killer. And if it wasn't for Hyun-mi you wouldn't even step out of your apartment at this hour.



You are on your way to your apartment. Your pace is slow due to your drunken situation. Your alcohol tolerance is really low. So you just drank one shot but you are slightly drunk now.

While waking you can feel one pair of eyes staring at you. You stop on you track, remembering what's been happening for a while. You slowly turn around but see nothing. You look around for a while only to find out no one.

"It must be my delusion..." You try to convince yourself.

After what feels like an eternity you finally reach to your apartment. You unlock the door and step in and lock the door, not wanting to welcome the killer by leaving the door open. You put you jacket on your cloth stand and make your way to the kitchen to drink some water. But when you enter your kitchen, your eyes land on a flower bouquet lying on your dining table. Your heart starts to beat fast. How did this flower bouquet get here?

You slowly walk to it. It's a flower bouquet of white tulips. "Uh do I have a secret lover or what? How the hell he knows I love tulips?" You murmur to yourself. Then a card catches your attention. You take it and start to read it.

"No one can escape from me
Not even your beloved friend"

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