what are you looking at

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* ❞twelve ↺ *

jaemin looked for jeno throughout the day.

he found him several times, but he didn't approach him.

jeno was with renjun at every moment, smiling and laughing the way he used to back when he loved jaemin. seeing it made jaemin feel as if he were falling in love with him all over again.

however, his smiles weren't for him, and jeno was looking at renjun as if he were in love. jaemin hadn't seen that look in a long time.

then, he saw something he wished he hadn't.

jeno reached forward to ruffle renjun's hair.

jaemin's heart tightened.

jeno let his hand hover for a moment before pushing renjun's bangs back.

jaemin held his breath.

jeno leaned forward and planted the softest kiss on renjun's forehead.

jaemin tried to gasp but found that he couldn't breathe.

suddenly, petals were filling his mouth and pushed at the seams of his lips, which he kept covered with a hand. tears threatened to spill from his eyes, watering with pain and sadness. he couldn't do this here, in the middle of the hallway.

he ran to restroom, shoving open a stall door before heaving over the toilet, knees bruising as he had slammed them into the hard tile.

hundreds of yellow petals fluttered out of his mouth and began to flood the toilet bowl. with every cough, a handful of them escaped his pale lips in bursts. tears streamed from his eyes, blurring his vision as he stared into the bowl of flowers.

i love you, lee jeno.

why don't you love me back?

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