Chapter 8: His Evil Schemes

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Third Person's POV

"Muahahahahaha… Finally, I have manage to capture not one but three power spheres!" The alien said while laughing maniacally. "Just you wait... just you wait Boboiboy! Your time of defeat will surely happen the next time we meet." Adu Du smirk. His thoughts since yesterday were still repeating itself until now, and that is to defeat his arch-enemy, Boboiboy.

"But Mr. Boss aren't you forgetting something... " his sidekick robot ask.

"What?" The green alien said, annoyed when Probe ruin his sweet moment.

"Remember Mr. Boss, we still need Tok Aba's cocoa to activate them." Probe said. Realization struck the square headed alien as he face-palm at his own stupidity. 'Of course... how did I forget such an important thing?'

"Computer! Order the minions to steal cocoa from Tok Aba's cocoa shop!" he ordered.

"Yes Master." Computer said.

"And Probe..."

"Yes Mr. Boss?"

"Time to pay Gopal a short visit… "


"Breaking news; the infamous group of thieves known as SLR, also known as Serial Laundromat Robbers had cause another robbery attempt near the town square plaza. But with the quick help of our superhero Boboiboy, he had managed to save the day once again."

"Hmm... No wonder he's late again." Ying said, staring at the TV at Tok Aba's shop. Tok Aba was getting worried for Boboiboy that he might not deliver the cocoa since he's getting late than usual but when he heard the news he sigh in relief.

"Well that explains everything." The old man said while cleaning his stall.


At the busy streets of town, Boboiboy was walking with a gloomy aura surrounding his whole self, on his hands were the victim's items the police had hand him. When he had manage to capture the thieves earlier, he was suppose to be interviewed by the danger-seeking reporter known as Ravi J. Jambul or commonly known as Tuft, but he manage to escape the persistent reporter this time. His mind were traveling from the events that happened earlier between him and (F/N). Her words kept echoing inside his brain and it brought unpleasant tingles of sadness inside him.

"We were never friends to begin with…"

"We were never friends to begin with…"

"We were never friends…"

"... never friends…"

"... never."

"I know... I get it alright!" he shouted to no one in particular. Bystanders stared at the boy in disbelief like he was crazy. Feeling their eyes judging his every move, he let out a big sigh and continue to move from his spot. Lowering his head, he stared at the pavement like it was the most interesting thing in the world. Maybe it was the most interesting thing since he keep blocking the world. For him every time he hears the sounds and noises from his surroundings, they were all just a blur now.

"There you are!" Boboiboy ignore the voice and keep walking ahead, that is until he felt a soft tap on his shoulder blades. Turning around, he came face to face with the woman from earlier. "You're that kid from earlier! Thank you for helping me!"

Realizing that this was the woman who just got rob, Boboiboy plastered a weak smile as he give her back her belongings. "Thank you so much dear child!" she exclaim once she got her bags. It was only then did Boboiboy notice her foreign accent. He concluded that the lady in front of him must be foreigner from another country. 'Well that explains her clothes.'

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