Chapter 13: Hide and Seek

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Third Person's POV

The night rides in on a horse of pure midnight velvet, the glow of the magnificent full moon along with millions of burning star illuminates the the land of Malaysia, including Rintis Island. Almost everyone in town has already set for the night, their brains functioning their engines to take a good night rest.

Well almost.

At the peaceful home of our famous superhero Boboiboy. Tok Aba immediately laid his tired body on his bed, closing his eyes in an instant once his head rested on his favorite pillow. The tired old man drift to a peaceful slumber, entering the dream world once again.

While darkness entered the residence of Tok Aba's house, one particular room remain alive with a little bit amount of light.

Boboiboy's room was almost invaded with darkness but with the help of his watch, the room had a little hope of brightness. "It's the time of the year again." he said to the three tiny hologram figures of his friends that were displayed on his watch.

"We know." a girlish voice spoke.

"W-what should we do now?" another one spoke. Unlike the first voice who remain calm and collected, this one was clearly frighten about their conversation.

"I'm not sure. We can't do anything about it because it's tomorrow." the black haired boy said making the tallest hologram figure to whine at his response.

"Can't we just say we're busy tomorrow?" another voice said. "I can't afford to... to... Gosh! I can't even imagine saying it anymore." he said while pushing his glasses up.

"I'm afraid not." he said.

"Let's just escape the upcoming storm Boboiboy!" his best friend said. Boboiboy can even see the sweats dropping from his tan forehead. "Don't worry guys, I'll device a perfect plan of escape but for now let's just hope the lion won't catch us tomorrow."

"But... what about (F/N)? I'm sure she's not aware of what's coming tomorrow." the only female said, the worrisome face of her's was visible, even the two males were getting worried for the innocent female.

"Don't worry guys." he said, a smile stretch itself on his lips.

"I'll make sure she's safe with me."

>> Time Skip <<

A sunny Wednesday greeted Paulu Rintis with it's blazing lights of the active sun. Currently a girl with soft but blank (E/C) orbs frame by long majestic (H/C) locks were pleasantly licking a lollipop while walking towards her destination. She wore the Rintis Island Primary School uniform which was accompanied by her (F/C) colored vest along with her signature black blazer.

She strolled the sidewalk besides her school which will lead her to the entrance of the school. Upon reaching it, the stoic female saw another approaching figure in front of her. Although the small figure was in a distance, she can clearly distinguish the skipping female as one of her friends.

"Hann--" Although when she called her name, someone apparently just grab her arm and drag her near the bushes.

"Huh?" came her reply when the culprit hold her close to his chest.

"Shhh... " the unknown voice said. Curious as she can be, she look up to stared at the face of the person holding her closer to his chest. "Fang?" she called. The shadow manipulater didn't look at her, instead, his sight was cast over at the pink hijab wearing female skipping over the gates.

Obviously the young girl was not aware over her two friends hiding away from her presence. Her eyes we're even close while skipping her way inside the gates.

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