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mentions of homophobia,
f slur.


hoseok walked up to the middle of the field, facing jimin with a smirk on his face. jimin returned hoseok's gaze with a determined look, chin up.

"hey sweet cheeks," hoseok teased, pinching the smaller boy's cheek before his hand was swatted away.

"don't call me that," jimin growled, visibly gritting his teeth.

"aw, is mochi angry at me? what are you gonna do, beat up my shins?" hoseok replied with a baby voice, trying to rile him up.

and when the whistle was blown and jimin kicked the soccer ball towards the goal with a fierce strength and an annoyed expression, hoseok was confident he succeeded.

the ball was passed around a few times, and jimin's team made a few goals, much to hoseok's dismay. the score was 4 to 0, and hoseok was starting to regret teasing jimin at the start of the game. the boy could play really well when he was angry.

finally, the ball was passed to hoseok. he weaved his way through the maze of opposing players, getting nearer and nearer to the goal, until–


hoseok crashed into someone and fell right on top of them, the ball going God-knows-where. when he opened his eyes, he saw that he was pinning a very angry looking jimin to the ground.

or at least, it looked like he was angry. his face was really red.

"what's with the blushing, eh? does little old jiminie have a crush on me?" hoseok cooed, taking the opportunity to tease jimin.

a fist collided with his cheek, making him fall to the ground.

one of the referees blew the whistle as hoseok scrambled away from jimin. he saw the shorter boy run off to his coach, say something quickly, and run into the locker room.

'well, now I feel bad for teasing him...'

"hoseok, go back in the locker room and wash up a little. your face is red and you look like you're about to throw up. looked like you took a nasty punch," his coach said, clapping a hand on his shoulder before pushing the black-haired boy in the direction of the locker room.

"alright. be out in a few minutes, coach."

"you better be."


looking up at his reflection, hoseok saw what his coach was talking about. he hated the fact that he had a crush on jimin; it made his life so difficult. and what made it worse was that hoseok was just so naturally forward, therefore he teased jimin beyond belief and now jimin probably hated him.

after he decided he looked better than before, hoseok made his way out of the bathroom. or at least, tried to before someone with orange hair grabbed the front of his shirt and slammed him against the wall.

"you jerk. what was the point of that, huh? trying to throw me off? trying to make me lose?" jimin said angrily in hoseok's face. hoseok noticed that jimin's eyes looked puffy, as if he'd been crying.

"wh– no, n– jimin, have you been crying?"

"doesn't fucking matter. why the fuck did you do that?" jimin hissed, and hoseok could see him tearing up again. what happened to the cocky, pissed off boy at the start of the game?

"jimin– jimin, are you okay? I'm worried about you." it was the truth. he'd never seen jimin like that, ever. not on school grounds, not outside school, never.

jimin turned away, letting hoseok fall. he hadn't even noticed how high jimin had lifted him on the wall until he fell.

"jimin, I'm sorry about teasing you if that's what this is about–"

"how did you know?" jimin asked with his back still turned, voice just above a whisper. "how did you know about it?"

"know about wh–"


"jimin, you... you have a crush on me?"

all he got in response was a muffled sob.

hoseok almost laughed. him? jimin had a crush on jung hoseok? it seemed like a dream.

"it's fucking ridiculous," jimin spat, "how I fell for you. out of all the people in this school, it was you. always you." jimin stopped as his body was wracked with sobs, and hoseok's heart broke for him. "an– and now you think I'm a– a faggot, just like everyone else. now you're disgusted by me and I really can't blame you because I'm fucking pathetic, just a lonely ass gay bitch who shouldn't even walk the earth–"

hoseok spun jimin around and hugged him tight, tired of the lies jimin was spewing about himself.

jimin seemed to tense up a bit before relaxing and burying his face in hoseok's shoulder and returning the hug, gripping hoseok's shirt as if his life depended on it. the boy calmed down a bit; he really needed that comforting embrace.

"boys?" they heard one of the coaches call from outside the door. "you alright in there? been there for a while now."

hoseok yelled out a reply, "yeah, we'll be out in a minute."

"alright. hurry up." footsteps receded down the hallway until they couldn't hear them anymore, and hoseok faced jimin again, cupping the boy's face.

"jimin. I'm sorry for teasing you, and I'm sorry that you thought I would ever think those things about you. you don't deserve to feel this way." hoseok gently wiped jimin's tears away with his thumb. jimin leaned into the touch, closing his eyes before more tears could escape.

"are you alright to go back now, or do you want to wait a bit more?" hoseok asked. the coaches would be ticked off if they waited any longer, but hoseok decided this was more important.

"let me– let me wash my face first, and then I'll go back," jimin said, reluctantly pulling away and walking towards the sink. "you can go on ahead if you want."

"alright. see you out there?" hoseok said with a reassuring smile.

"yeah. wait, wait," jimin said, running up to hoseok.

"what is it—" hoseok started, but was cut off as jimin pecked him on the lips. both boys turned a beet red, jimin surprised he even did that. he just... he just kissed his crush.

"well yeah I better get back out there hurry up though!" hoseok said quickly as he ran out of the bathroom, flustered as all hell.

needless to say, hoseok's team lost that day.



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