Jeff Hardy Imagine

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Did you hear that?" Jeff Hardy

I have a fear of the dark. I can't help but get scared whenever it is pitch black ,whether it's in a room or outside, I am absolutely petrified. Normally when I go to bed I have my bedside lamp. however, tonight is the night a powercut happens at 11 o' clock at night.

Luckily, my boyfriend, Jeff, has been off with injury therefore I have company but it doesn't do too much to calm my nerves. I feel totally on edge and scared something bad is going to happen.

"Babe, just lie down, the more you think about it the more you'll scare yourself. Come on, lie down Y/N. Cuddle in with me if that helps." I was sitting up straight thinking of every possible scenario that could happen. However, I lied down and cuddled into Jeff. It managed to calm me down for a bit until I heard weird and unusual sound.

I shot straight up, sitting up once again, "Did you hear that? What the hell is that?" My heart was pounding, my breathing was beginning to get rapid and I began to get a cold sweat, I have never heard that sound before and it absolutely terrified me.

"Y/N, it's okay. It's just the radiator, it's because it needs fixed." I tired to take deep breaths and slow down my heartbeat but I was still in a panic and feeling quite scared. "Babe, come here."

I cuddled into him again and tried to get settled down. He kissed my forehead and brought me close to him, then started singing to me. It worked wonders and I felt myself drifting away to the comfort of his voice. I dread to think what would have happened if he wasn't here. I would have been a mess.

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