Finn Balor Imagine

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"Shouldn't you be with him?" -Finn Balor

"We have to stop, he'll find out about us soon enough." I knew it was the right thing to do but I truly didn't mean what I said. Finn and I has been seeing each other behind my boyfriend's back for months now. I love Finn so much but I can't find courage to walk away from my boyfriend. The guilt I would feel due to all the lies I told. So it led to this, standing in Finn's hotel room, trying to convince myself to leave Finn.

"You aren't happy with him Y/N, it's obvious. Leave him for me. We both love each other." He pleaded with me.

"I can't simply do that Finn," My heart was breaking by the second as I was doing this.

"Why not, just tell him you don't love him anymore,"

"I'm sorry, I just can't do that. I'm going to go. I'll see you around." I turned and left the room. As soon as the door shut, I broke down, I love him a lot, it was so hard to walk away but I had to for my own sake. Maybe he was right though, maybe it is simple saying I don't love you anymore.

I reached my own hotel room 2 minutes later, thinking about what Finn had said and believing it more and more the closer I got to my own room. I unlocked the door and was instantly greeted by my boyfriend.

"Hey babe is everything okay," He noticed my red eyes from the crying I was doing mere moments ago. I simply shook my head. "What up?"

"I'm sorry." It was all I could get out but it was a start.

"About what baby, what have you done?" He was concerned which made feel slightly more guilty, he came over to hug me but I pushed him away.

"I don't love you anymore." As soon as I said it, I realised Finn was right. It made feel better to be honest, knowing that I don't have to pretend anymore. He just looked at me blankly, not knowing what to say. I took that as my chance to grab my bags and walk out the room before he could start questioning me.

Once the door shut I felt as sense of relief. I was free from my fake love, I made the journey back to Finn's room. I stood at his door and then knocked. I was nervous after what happened earlier but I'm sure he would get over it. and take me back. He loves me after all.

When he answered he looked surprised. "Y/N, what are you doing here, shouldn't you be with him?"

"No, I should be with you," I let myself into his room, dropped my bag then jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his waist, kissing him. It didn't take long for him to kiss me back. We pulled away for air. "I want to be with you Finn and only you, no more hiding and no more lying. I love you Finn."

"And I love you too Y/N." He kissed me again and threw me onto his bed. You could probably guess what happened next, like I said, I didn't want hide my relationship with Finn anymore, so I screamed from the top of my lungs, letting everyone know who I belong to.

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