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"What are you..." He cut me off when his lips crashed to mine. I was taken back. I pushed him away and pushed him out my door without saying another word. I slammed thew door in his face. WHAT THE HELL JUST WENT THREW THAT BOYS MIND?!

I finished unpacking then went down for some food. I get to the kitchen and check the fridge. Ya no food. I check the freezer. Nope no food. I the go to the coberts. What the help why dont they have any food?!

I go find Niall. He is in the living room on his phone. Zayn and Harry. I egnore Zayn and Harry and walk over to Niall.

"Niall, give me your keys."

"Um why?" He said. Looking up from his phone.

"You guys have nothing to eat. So I'm going to thew store."

"OK. Here ya go." He hands me his keys and I walk away without saying another word.

"Hey!! Zayn you should go with Jessimin. So she doesn't have to go alone." I herd Harry say. Why in the live hell did he just say that?

"Umm, OK?" Before I knew itr Zayn was right behind me. I walked out the door and he followed. Why does he have to come? We get into Niall's car and drive off to the store. The store is pretty far from the boys house. So in result their is an accward silence. I finally speak.

"Zayn, I'm sorry for pushing you out of my room earlier."

"Just forget about it ever happened." He said looking out the window.

"No I'm not going to be able to forget about it. Just tell my why you did it." I whispered the last sentence so he could hardly make it out.

"Jess, I...I ...like you." He said but I hardly herd it.

"W..what did you say?" I asked just to see if I Hurd him right.

"I said 'Jess, just let it go.'"

"Oh I thought you said something else. But anyway we can forget about it and be friends huh?" I said.

"Ya lets be friends." He said.

"But don't tell anyone we are friends. I don't want to ruin my reputation." I said and then we started to laugh.

"You got it babe." We arrived to the store and got all that we were hungry for and more. We pay and head back to the house. Zayn helps me unload all the food and we go up to his room to watch a movie with some popcorn. We watch Divergent because its my favorite movie. I start to get tired bit egnore it. Pretty soon I'm asleep.


HEYO!!!!! IM BACK!!!

Its good to be back!! I'm sorry, it was not my fault that I couldn't be on here and write my storys. My fat cat sat on my other tablet and broke it. I ordered a new one off of eBay but the first tablet I got didn't work so I had to send it b back. the second one was lost by ups. yay what a joy. so I had to wait for the guy to send another one out to me. that took forever!!!!!!!! but I finally got my new tablet!!! yay I'm so happy!!

I thought I should update all of my stories.

Love ya!!!!

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