Dan has to go to a new school this year, his last school was a handful of bullies and stuck up pricks, the kind that think they're better than you no matter what trouble they get into. It pissed him off, who did they think they were? They're not royalty and shouldn't be treated like it. Dan thinks about this on a daily basis as he's greeted with the same bullies and same pricks who talk shit about him like they know anything, they don't.

Dan is a mixture of happiness and anxiety as he thinks about how the kids at his new school will be. Will they be the same as the others? Will I find any nice people? Am I gonna get bullied again? These thoughts swarm his mind and bring negative energy, so much of it, it just makes him angry to think of those jerks who thought they were anything more than an accidental pregnancy. He thought it was harsh to say but realized they deserved it. With all this anger built up inside Dan, his once coffee brown eyes turned completely black. He understands why they all hate him, he was a demon, a monster, no one will ever love him or accept him for who he is. He has a strange power that can only be used when he turns full demon, which he never does in fear of what he might do when he blacks out. If he gets angry enough his eyes turn completely black including the once white part of his eyes, it gives him a strength he would never have regularly and with all that anger and strength he storms outside and punches a tree with all of his power, making a big crack in the tree and causing it to almost fall over. He sighs to himself, at least he got that off of his chest. And his mom always wondered why he took baths with scented candles and a bath bomb, would she understand if she saw the almost completely demolished tree?

He walks back inside to be greeted by his brother, Adrian. "Did the tree fall down this time?" Adrian jokes. Dan huffs, "haha funny, no it didnt."

"Damn, calm down, i was only joking," Adrian says. Dan smiles sarcastically, "yeah, well, im not in the mood for your 'jokes'," he says angrily. Adrian trys to feel sympathetic for his older brother, frowning then gently laying a hand on Dan's shoulder. "Dude, what's wrong? You know you can tell me.. i know i joke around a lot but if something is really going on, i want you to be honest with me, but only if you want to.." Adrian trails off glancing down at the floor like it would save him from the situation. Deep talk wasn't a thing that came easy to him, talking about feelings, thoughts, opinions, it didnt really matter much to him and was quite hard for him to get into, but to Dan it meant everything. He loved to have deep conversations with people, as long as he knew he wasn't annoying them. Which is why what Adrian said to him made him want to share his feelings, because he finally felt like someone wanted to listen, so he told him.

To say Adrian was mad, would be an understatement. He was furious, his brother didn't deserve all the shit he got, he wasnt a monster. But everyone sees him that way. Adrian was one of the lucky ones, he wasnt a demon. Dan was the only demon left in his family and in the world.

1920. There was a bunch of demons, so much that it was almost normal for them to be walking the streets, going to stores, basically living out normal lives. Nobody was scared, everyone was equal, normal; didn't matter if you were a human or a demon, you were accepted. But then more and more of the humans started repopulating. More and more demons started dying. It became less normal and more terrifying to have any demons roaming the streets. Fast forward to the present and instead of being scared, people began to be mean because he was different. He was told to die on a daily basis, more times than he could count, and why? Just because he was living out his life like a normal teenager should? But wait, he's not a normal teenager, so it's wrong for him to act like he's one of the "normal" kids? It never made sense to Dan so he just let it go.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2020 ⏰

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