Chapter Two - Curses

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Maranda eyed the man throughout the slow hours, her heart beating for what he was there for.
"Isn't he kind of strange?" She asked Israel, who was slumped back on the couch, grasping the television remote.
"No, not really." He replied. Maranda whipped her head back to the window, seeing once again the old man. His blank stare struck fear into her heart, but strangely, a hint of disgust. After all, the man didn't look the best. His skin was curled over, red zits spotting his face like chickenpox. His eyes looked like they were from a horror movie, but somewhat scarier. Maranda couldn't look away, and soon she was gaining the urge to go and talk to him.
Israel, however, assured to her that the man wasn't of any harm. He said he looked, "normal. Like any other old hag." But still, Maranda felt like there was something off. At first, she thought the man would rush in and kill them both. After hours passed, she closed that theory. Then she wondered if the old man would want the gems back. He did appear right after the gems were discovered. It was only reasonable.
"C'mon, Maranda," Israel said, turning his head from his TV show. "That old guy won't do anything. Chill out." Maranda shook her head, looking him straight in the eye.
"Don't you see? He looks dangerous. Ugh, when is your dad coming home?" Too be honest, Israel forgot his father was away. The fun he had recently took half of his memory away; that didn't happen too often. But it was summer. For any kid, memory for fathers and mothers would be lost. They'd all be swimming and chasing and playing video games. Israel sighed and gave Maranda a reassuring squeeze on her shoulder.
"Just watch TV."

"They don't know. But hopefully they'll come to me, before I come to them. They wouldn't like that. . ." The man's voice was crumbling, his grip on the yellow gem tight. "It shouldn't be that hard. Come to me, know your fates." All this time, he could've knocked on the door and got his wish easily. But no. He stood, steady and creeping. As Maranda watched him, he watched Maranda. Everytime, it seemed as if his eyes narrowed more, making him even more intimidating.
He heard muffled yelling and saw Israel pull Maranda back down to the couch as she raged.
"What do you want from us?!" The old man chuckled, shaking his head. He then rose his hand and gestured for them to come out. Maranda gladly did so, breaking free from Israel and stamping outside, up to the man. "Man, I'm ready! Let's go! I'm about to crush you, old man!" The man's laughing only increased, causing him to wipe tears from his eyes.
"Little girl. . . little girl. Calm yourself." Maranda curled her fist, raising it high.
"No! You stared at me for two hours straight! Most of the time, you didn't even blink. I counted. . . uh, you blinked three times. Three! Are you supernatural or are you just so old and wrinkly that even air doesn't want to touch you?" The man's face was red-hot with laughter, tears scrambling down his cheeks. Maranda rose her arms in surprise. "What's funny?!" Israel soon rushed out, pulling her back gently.
"I said chill, I got this," he cleared his throat, straightening his face. "Sir, you've been staring at her for about two hours. What do you need? Because my dad can pay you whatever you need." The man old halted his laughing and cleared his throat, too.
"I don't need anything big," he began, his voice making Maranda grimace. "I just need you. . ." He pointed to Israel. ". . . you. . ." He pointed to Maranda. ". . . and the cat." His hand dropped to his side as he silenced. Everyone silenced. Then, aiming to shatter the silence, Israel spoke out.
"For what?" The old man sighed.
"Oh boy, a new story. It's been so long." He smiled. "Ahem. So, years ago, there was a scientist who created this cure for cancer. Emphasis on cure, by the way. Anyway, he got locked away because the cure was haywire and it affected some people. Point being, it was dangerous. I found his cure, channeled it into those gems, and, uh, threw 'em out in a teleporter." Israel gasped.
"A teleporter?! Has the future's final phase began?" The old man gestured for him to be quiet, then continued.
"The teleporter sent them out for three to find, and boom. Here you guys are. Uniquely, a cat got a gem, too." Maranda stepped forward, out from behind Israel.
"What do they do?" The old man grinned.
"Well I'm glad you asked! The gems each have a specific element. Blue is telekinesis, pink is speed, and yellow is strength. Each three of you touched a single gem each, right?"
"Yes," Israel responded, his voice low.
"Good. Who touched which?"
"I touched the blue one. Maranda touched the pink one. Cookie touched the yellow one."
"Right then. Good job. Let's go." The old man walked off across the street. Maranda shrugged, squinting her eyes.
"What? Where?" The old man turned and smiled.
"To start your journey, of course! Every good team needs a good journey! You are a team now. You must unlock your abilities, and then. . . face what's to come." Israel cranked his head to the side.
"What's to come? What, are we fighting mutated dogs or demons? Gods and goddesses? Ooh, ooh, a huge skeleton? Another kid?" The old man retreated his view and began his walk again.
"Well. . . you have to cleanse the curse in you. And. . . yeah, pretty much."

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