Chapter 1

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It is a breezy day here in Greendale. I am getting ready to move to Riverdale, where my heart and soul lies. I pick up a box and heave it into a moving truck.

"That was the last one. Get in the car, y/n, we're leaving!" Mom said.

"Okay," I replied, and ran to The car. I can't wait to go to Riverdale!

We are in the road, and getting closer and closer every second. I'm going to Pop's right away, and Mom is going to go shopping. It is Memorial Day, which means the shop will be busy. I hope I can find a seat!

As we edge closer and closer to Riverdale, I think about some of the people I'm going to meet. I decided I might join the River Vixons. I could meet a lot of people there!

"Look! There's the sign! We're here, in Riverdale!" I call out. I grin widely. I really hope that Riverdale will be better than Greendale.

"And there's Pop's! Drop me off here," I say, and Mom does so. I walk into the shop, and walk up to Pop.

"Hello! I'm new to Riverdale. I just moved here from Greendale. Are there any open seats?" I ask, as nicely as I can.

"Well, none of our seats are open. There is only one booth that still has one person sitting in it, but I'm sure I can talk him into letting you sit with 'im." Pop replies. I nod, and wait to hear if I'm allowed to sit.


"Jughead, there's a girl here, about your age, who needs a place to sit. She just moved here from Greendale. Your booth is the least full of all of them. Can she sit here?" Pop asks.

"No chance. Sorry, Pop, but I've got to work on my novel. I don't need crazy girls to distract me." Jug replies.

"C'mon. It'll be fine! I'll tell her not to bother you too much. Please? If you don't do it for me, do it for her. She doesn't have any friends." Pop says.

"Fine. But I better be able to work." Jughead replies.

"Great! Oh, and one more thing. I need you to talk to her. You'll be the first person to show her kindness in this town." Pop says.

"Absolutely not! I thought I was supposed to be able to work!" Jughead replied.

"Look. I'll give you ten free burgers. Is that a deal?" Pop asks.

"You got me at burgers," Jughead replies, and Pop laughs.

"Thanks. I'll go get her." Pop says, and walks away.

"You can sit with him. Follow me." Pop says. He guides me to a corner booth, and I glance at the guy sitting across from me. His face is covered by his computer.

"Hi." He says.

"Hi! I'm y/n. I moved here from Greendale today, and I, uh, don't have any friends" I say, and turn red. I feel so awkward!

"Cool. Not the no friends part. I just haven't been to Greendale in a while. Are you staying with your parents?" The guy asked.

"Um, yeah, I'm staying with my mom. What are you writing?" I ask.

"It's nothing. I'm putting it away now anyways." He says, and continues to shut down his computer. As he closes it, I see his face....

Tangled Between // Jughead and Archie x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now