Chapter 7

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I woke up laying in a hospital. When my eyes fluttered open, the nurse ran towards me.

"Oh good, you're awake. We started wondering if you even would." She said.

"Really? How long have I been out?" I asked.

"Two days. We had you on multiple machines. Everyone else already woke up." She replied.

"TWO DAYS?!" I yelled, starting to sit up. But extreme pain rang through me.

"You can't get up yet. And yes, two days." The nurse told me.

"Wait, there were others?" I asked, finally realizing what she had said.

"Yes. Everyone else that was in Pop's. You and that boy you were with got it the worst." She replied simply.

"Jughead? Oh my gosh, how is he?" I asked, careful not to strain myself.

"Oh yes, that was his name. He's doing pretty well. He woke up yesterday, and since then we've had him on many pain killers and he's been resting." The nurse explained.

"Can I see him?" I asked, hope crawling into my voice no matter how hard I tried to keep it away.

"I knew you would ask that. We have arranged you to see him as soon as you are both capable of doing so." The nurse told me, and winked.

"That's going to take forever!" I yelled.

"Actually, it won't. You will be able to see your Boyfriend in a little more than 5 days." She told me.

"He's not my-"

"Think." The nurse interrupted.

"Okay, yeah, it may seem like he's my Boyfriend. But I swear he's not. We are just... close friends. What even happened?" I asked.

"I don't know. That's something you will have to ask Pop. He was able to survive just fine. He has also arranged to come see you tomorrow." The nurse answered.

"Well, that's great. Can I have my phone?" I asked.

"You aren't capable of moving your arms yet."

"What? Okay, what happened to me?" I asked.

"You managed to break your right leg extremely bad. At the least, you will have a bad limp. And you fractured your other leg. You broke one arm, but only a little. And your other...." the nurse stopped like she couldn't bring herself to say it. I didn't want to know.

"So what am I supposed to do now?" I asked.

"We have some pain killer meds for you to take. Then you just need to rest." The nurse replied.

"But I've already been resting for two days!" I yelled.

"You've been in a slight coma for two days, actually. So what you really need to do is rest." She replied.

"First... what happened to Jughead?" I asked before I could stop myself.

"Are you sure you want to know?" She asked.

"Positive. Also, is Archie here?" I asked.

"He is. But he is much less hurt. Now that boy. His legs are broken extremely bad. It's safe to say he will be wheelchair bound from now on. And he broke one arm. His other just has some scrapes and bruises." I was still stuck in the fact that he would never be able to walk again.

"I need to see him. Now." I mumbled.

"No, you need to rest." She told me.

"No way. Not until I see Jughead. And Archie." I said.

"Maybe Archie could come. He can walk already, anyway." The nurse told me.

"He's definitely enough. Can I see him now?" I asked, getting slightly impatient.

"I suppose." And with that, the nurse ran off to get Archie.

But when he walked in, he looked... much worse than I thought. And his frown and puffy eyes told me he knew he was, too.

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