Chapter 3

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"Where's V?" Archie asks. I, for one, have no clue who "V" is.

"She's home, sick, Archie. Stop worrying!" Betty replied.

"Yeah, Archie. Now, I'm going to Pop's after school today, to work on my novel. Anyone want to come?" Jughead says. I start to blush, but settle down.

"I would love to, Jug, but I have to catch up with Ronnie. Call me if you need, though" Betty answers. I was hoping she could come with me. Ugh!

"Yeah, of course, Jughead. I'll be there." Archie replies.

"I'll ask my mom, if people still, you know... do that. But I think I can come! I'd love to go with you two, er, to get to know each other?" I blurt out. I turn red, and look at my feet. Betty looks at me with a smile.

"Veronica would go crazy if she were here" Betty whispers in my ear.

"Okay, let me get something straight. Who the heck is V, or Ronnie, or Vanessa or whatever her name was?" I ask.

"Veronica?" They all say.

"You know what I mean! Who is she?" I ask again.

"She's another one of our friends. I'm sure you two will get along," Betty replies.

"I hope so. If she doesn't like me, what do I do then?" I ask.

"I'll be there for you." Betty says.

"We could get burgers at Pop's," Jughead suggests.

"She will. I know Ronnie." Archie states.

"Everything is about food when it comes to you, Jug" Betty says. The bell rings. It's time for English.


I stand by the teacher while they give the speech about how I'm new and all. But this teacher doesn't let me sit where I want. They assign me to sit by a tall, skinny girl wearing way too much red. Her name is Cheryl Blossom.

"Hi. You must be the new girl. I mean, obviously. The teacher just gave a speech about you being new." Cheryl said.

"Yeah. Aren't you the head coach of the River Vixons? I was hoping to join" I say.

"Yes, I am. And I'm happy to add you in! I'm just dying to get to know you." Cheryl says, and accents the word "dying". I can't decide if I like her or not.

"Okay, great! When does practice start?" I ask.

"It's at 4 PM every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I'll explain more tomorrow at practice!" Cheryl says.

"Alright, cool. I'll be there." I promise.

"Oh, and your friend, Betty, is in it too. She's my cousin, you know" Cheryl says with a flip of her hair.

"That's cool. Do you get along?" I ask. I'm really trying to decide if I should be friends with her.

"Most of the time. You should come over after practice tomorrow. I'm sure Mommy will be okay with it!" Cheryl says. I Guess I've made a new Friend?

"O-okay..." I reply.

"No, really... my friend Josie ditched me and now, as much as I hate to admit it, I kind of don't have anyone to hang out with. I'm only telling you because I trust you. I hate to show my weak side to other people. Don't tell anyone about this part of the conversation or I will come to your house and kill you in your sleep." Cheryl says. At that moment, the bell rings.

"Toodles!" Cheryl calls as she prances out of the room. I stand there, my mouth hanging open. Betty walks over to me.

"So, what happened?" She asks.

"Well, she let me join the River Vixens. And she's your Cousin? She told me some information and apparently I'm going to her house tomorrow after practice. She also threatened to kill me in my sleep if I told anyone what the information she told me is." I say, taking a huge breath.

"Wow. Yeah, we're distant cousins. Tell me everything that happens at her house tomorrow as soon as you get home. I'll be waiting in my room. Call me when you're home!" Betty says. (I live right next to her).

"Of course I will! I'm really nervous about it, though. Now, let's get to Reading before we're late!" I say, fast-walking out of the room. I was lucky enough to even have a locker next to Betty. It was like it was destiny for us to be friends!


"Lets go! Y/n, aren't you coming?" Jughead says.

"Oh, yeah." I say, and run to catch up with him and Archie.

"Where did you move from again, y/n?" Archie asks.

"Greendale." I reply with a sigh. Archie stops walking, and turns slightly red.

"What's up with him?" I ask Jughead.

"He'll tell you when he's ready." Jug replies.

"Okay" I say, and wait for Archie to come back.

"Sorry. I just um, forgot to tell my dad I'll be out late." Archie says quickly, fidgeting with his hands.

"Sure." Jughead and I say at the same time. We look at each other, smiling, and burst out laughing.

"You're so immature, Jughead Jones!" I yell, and laugh some more.

"Says the girl who screamed, you're Jughead Jones, oh my gooossshhh" Jughead replies mockingly.

"Whatever. That was one time." I huff, holding in my laughter.

"You really said that?" Archie asks.

"Yeah, and she created a huge scene." Jughead says, motioning with his hands.

"Did not!" I say, punching his arm.

"Yeah you did!" He replies.

"Why do you wear that hat all the time?" I ask.

"Because his hair is so greasy he needs to cover it up at all times" Archie says. I laugh, while Jughead looks at Archie with the death stare.

"Okay, can we just walk now?" I ask.


The rest of the time at Pop's was boring. Jughead worked on his novel, Archie ate his food like an actual PIG, and I sat there, waiting for someone to break the silence. Today I just finished cheerleading practice. Cheryl was surprisingly nice to me, and I walked home with her.

"I can't wait for you to meet my dear mother. She's so excited that her dearest Daughter finally has a good Friend she can count on." Cheryl says.

"That's great. I Guess I can't wait to meet her to." I say. I'm still having some thoughts on this girl.

"This is my house." Cheryl says, pointing to a very nice house. We walk in, but as we do, another surprise comes our way...

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