The Motel

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< Alison' POV >

Emily's soft lips pressed against mine in a passionate kiss. My emotions were building up inside of me, and I was about to explode. Emily drove me crazy. I pulled away, and stared into her beautiful eyes. I gave her a small smile before taking her hand and leading her into the bathroom.

< Emily's POV >

Ali pulled away from our kiss and smiled at me innocently. But I knew that what she was planning was not going to be innocent. She gripped my hand and led me into the bathroom. She locked the door behind us before running a shower.

Alison gave me a light kiss before stripping down to nothing. I tried to be polite and not stare, but how could I not? She was so beautiful. I gazed at her body, and fell under her spell. She crept up on me and laced her hands around my neck as she started to suck on my earlobe.

"Wanna join me?" She whispered into my ear. Goosebumps ran up my neck as she spoke. Before I could react, Alison had lifted my shirt and hand start kissing my stomach. I let out a deep moan.

Alison raised her head and smirked at me before pulling my panties right off. I tore off my bra to be equally exposed. Alison took me into the shower and kissed me passionately. She grabbed my waist and gently pushed me up against the wall. She started sucking on my neck as she ran her hands down my body.

She began to rub me slowly. I bit my lips to contain making any noise. We had to be quiet because the other girls were right next door. Alison began to rub faster and faster.

"Say my name." She whispered in a sexy tone. I let out a deep moan. But that did not satisfy her. "I said say my name." She whispered again as she picked up speed.

"A-Al-Ali-ALISON!" I exclaimed as I reached my climax. Alison moved her hands away and let me breathe. "Fuck Ali. That was..." I tried to say before she started kissing my neck. Ugh this was great. I closed my eyes and let the sensations wash over me.

"We should probably get some sleep." Alison said, turning off the shower. And the moment was over. Alison picked up a towel and began to try off, as I stood there, trying to catch my breath. "Come on babe, don't stand in the shower." She said, giggling. She grabbed a towel and tossed it to me before walking out of the room.

"I love you, Alison DiLaurentis." I said under my breath.

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