Don't You Love Me?

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< Alison's POV >

I woke up in Emily's arms. I wish I could stay in her arms forever. I nestle my head into the crook of her neck as she holds me closer to her body. "Good morning, Beautiful." She whispers. I couldn't help but smile. "How did you sleep?" She said as she brushed my hair from my face.

"Okay. I love sleeping in your arms." I say as I wrap my arms around her. She kisses the top of my head softly.

"I love having you in my arms." She says, looking down at me. And I can't help but smile.

"I love you so much, Emily Fields." I tell her as I look into her beautiful brown eyes

"And I love you, Alison DiLaurentis." I pick up my head and kiss her. "Come on. I'll make you breakfast." She takes my hand and leads me downstairs.

*** That Night ***

< Third Person POV >

It was around eleven o'clock and all the couples were sitting around the fireplace. Emily and Alison were curled up in a chair, Ezra and Aria were stretched out on the couch, Hanna and Caleb were on the floor cuddling, and Spencer and Toby were in the other chair.

"So..." Hanna said awkwardly. "Spin the bottle anyone?" Hanna asked. A collection of moans clashed in the room. "Eh. It would be fun!" Spencer said. Everyone downs a bottle of beer as they form a circle. Caleb offers up his empty beer bottle and puts it in the circle. "I'll start it off." Emily suggests. She spins the bottle. It lands on Ezra. She spins it again and it lands on Aria.

Everyone laughs as the adorable couple leans in for a kiss. Ezra takes the bottle and spins it and it lands on Emily. He spins it again and it lands on Caleb. The color in Ali's face drained as she realized what was about to happen. They move to the center of the circle and lean in for a kiss. Ali couldn't watch. She looks at the ground and pretends not to care. When Emily crawls back next to Ali, she fakes a smile. The gang continues to play as Ali gets up and walks into the kitchen. Emily follows her, close behind.

"What's going on with them?" Aria asks Spencer, who shrugs her shoulders.

- + -

"Ali! Wait!" Emily shouts as she races after Ali, who stops once she reaches the kitchen table. Emily grabs her hand and turns Ali around. Her face was red and she had tears building up in her eyes. "Ali, what's wrong?" Emily asks, very concerned. She sits down at the table and Ali sits down across from her. Emily takes Ali's hand across the table. "What's going on?" She asks, worried.

Ali just looks at her feet and sobs. "Hey, hey, hey, Ali. Please don't cry. Just tell me what's wrong so I can fix it." Ali picks up her head and pulls he hand away from Emily's. "Alison, you can trust me." Emily says, looking into Ali's eyes.

Ali takes a deep breath in and let's it out. "You don't love me anymore. I saw the way you kissed Caleb. There was a connection there." Ali says, as she hides her tears with her hands.

"Ali, look at me." Emily says, reaching over the table and takes both Alison's hands. "That is not true." She tells her, looking into her bloodshot eyes. "Come here." She says, scooching her chair out. Ali slowly gets up and walks around the table. Emily takes Ali and pulls her into her lap. Emily leaves her hands on her girlfriend's waist as she speaks.

"Look at me, Alison." Ali lifts her head and looks sadly into Emily's eyes. "I love you. So much. And believe me when I say that I have absolutely no feelings for Caleb. And there was no chemistry whatsoever." She says genuinely.

Ali looks at her feet, still upset. Emily takes her hands and touches Ali's beautiful face. "I love you so much, Alison DiLaurentis. There is nobody in the world I would rather be with." Emily says, smiling. She wipes Alison's tears with her thumbs and holds her close.

Alison wraps her arms around her girlfriend's neck and look at her. "I love you so much, Emily, and I don't want to lose you." She says as Emily holds her tightly.

"Trust me, I'm not going anywhere." She says, as she leans in and kisses Alison.

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