Spokesperson Hazel?

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* contains spoilers from The Fault in Our Stars *

    After a few miserable Augustusless months, Hazel Grace Lancaster decided that it was time to continue life again. With the help of Iassic, she finished her college courses and begun dreaming up careers that she could possibly take a part in. Iassic called her one evening and started rapid talking into the receiver.

   "Hazel-From-Support-Group-I-have-found-the-most-appropriate-job-oppertunities-for-us-and-I-know-you-may-not-like-it-at-first-and-find-it-cliche-but-please-hear-me-out-" wheezed Iassic in one breath. "Spokesperson for the Cancer Society of America," said Iassic, testily.

   "Iassic-" Hazel started with an obvious air of disaproval.

   "No Hazel, you can't say no. One, because you will have a chance to travel around to different hospitals and share our story and two because I already sent in our ressumè."

    "I don't have a ressumè," retorted Hazel.

   "Well, they found it quite exceptional, " gloated Iassic.

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