Chapter 5

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I was sitting out in the hot sun with sweat dripping from my forehead. I couldn't take any more of this so called training. My muscles were burning from all of the exercises I was forced to do for about two hours straight. Mikey, Miguel, and Damian were coaching me. I had to train because they needed me to help them fight and fend off enemies. It felt good to be needed, but it felt horrible knowing that I could die or be seriously injured. I felt like I was being forced to go to war in a way... Almost like I was being drafted based on my family.

Damian handed me a small bottle of water. With a sigh of relief, I grabbed the bottle with my sweaty hand. I popped the top off and quickly began gulping down water. When I had asked for water earlier, they refused to give me any because I had to start relying on resistance now. Before I could get another sip, Damian snatched the bottle right out of my hand.

"What the hell?!" I shouted angrily.

Damian poured the rest of the water out causing me to scoff. Miguel, who was behind me, gave me a pat on the shoulder.

"Sorry, mate. You don't need too much water." He shrugged.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. My body is aching. Can we please stop?"

Mikey and Miguel exchanged stares. Then they looked at me. Mikey had a disappointed look on his face. With his arms folded, he slowly walked up towards me. Mikey had a lot of attitude. But I suppose that it's because he's the beta and has to be tough on everyone. For some reason, I enjoyed challening Mikey just a little. It's not really smart to challenge those above you, but it gave me more courage. And for this upcoming battle, I would need a lot of it. I believe Mikey understood this, which is why he always let me get a bit sassy with him.

"If you keep asking to stop, you're never gonna be in a strong position for any fight." Mikey said firmly.

"Well," I folded my arms as well to match his demeanor. "I don't think it's fair to assume that. Making me work like a dog isn't preparing me for anything."

He chuckled. "Kid, you think that you're a dog. Otherwise you wouldn't be using it as a comparison. You're wolf force, okay? Wolf force."

I gave him my silence to show that I had been defeated. He was right. I did think of myself as a dog. I thought of werewolves or wolf force or whatever as a pack of dogs. But now I am one and I need more confidence in my new identity. I just can't seem to find it. Right as I was about to open my mouth to speak again, my body began to heat up. I felt chills going down my spine. The hairs on my arms had stood up. What was my body reacting to now? Then I understood. I turned around to see my mate, Darla. Her dark skin was glistening in the Sun and so was her bright smile that revealed her perfect teeth. I felt a grin spreading across my lips. After being out here for 2 hours, I think Darla was all I wanted to see.

I jogged over to her and we exchanged a tight hug. I buried my face into her neck as she ran her fingers through my sweaty hair. Just a few days ago, I didn't even trust Darla. But all of my anger towards her disappeared. She wasn't completely in the right for kidnapping me, though. After I found out about my parents abandoning the pack, I had no choice but to get over Darla's decision to make me go unconscious.

"Hey." She said in a soft voice.

"Hey, love. I missed you." I said with a sigh. I looked back over at the boys who had shrugged me off and started a group conversation.

"Hey hey," Darla grabbed my chin and turned my face back towards her. "Were they giving you a hard time?" She asked with empathy.

I nodded. "Very hard."

"..." Darla smirked. "Good."

I scoffed. "How is that good?! I was totally overworked!"

"You're in a wolf pack, Kenny. You can't be babied. Also, you're not a human with terrible skills and shortnesses of breath. You're wolf force with strengthened skills, senses, and powers."

I raised a brow at her. "Powers?"

"Yes sir!" She grinned.

"Holy fuck!" I shouted in excitement.

Darla's mention of powers made my eyes light up. I was aware that supernatural creatures had stronger senses than regular people, but I never once thought about powers. Then again though, Mikey did read my mind when we first met. I began to wonder what my power was. Could I read minds? Could I teleport? There were so many possibilities. I grabbed Darla's hand and intertwined our fingers. Her skin was so incredibly soft. It felt like I was holding a silk blanket. Everything about Darla was just so perfect to me.

"How do I find out what my powers are?" I asked. I really wanted to know what my powers were.

"You have to wait." She said while softly tracing a vein in my wrist with the tip of her finger.

"What? Why?" I wanted to yell.

I felt extremely disappointed. I was truly looking forward to finding my powers right away. I should've known that such a gift wouldn't come to me right away. Maybe I will learn to be more patient during the assumed wait.

"Your power will come to you when you're ready. Right now, we're still figuring out your strengths and weaknesses."

"Well.. What's your power?' I looked at her quizzically.

Darla smirked and tightened her grip around my hand. "Let's go." She began dragging me into the deeper part of the forest.

Oh boy.

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