Chapter 4: 5 x 2 is not 12!

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Of course, sleep didn't come easy for Pete. He stayed awake for almost the entire night, staring up at his ceiling with bloodshot eyes.

"Pete! Get up and get yourself to school!"  His mother snapped from within the kitchen making Pete jump slightly and sit up. He sighed, not responding to his mom and groggily got out of bed, making his way to the bathroom to clean himself up.

When he stepped into the bathroom he slammed the door behind him, grumbling something incoherent under his breath. He released a long breath, turning the faucet on and beginning to wash his face. 


Mike jolted awake with a yelp, the sound of his alarm frightening him. 

"J-Jesus christ..." He muttered, rubbing his forehead as he sat up. The vampire turned to his alarm clock and gave it an angry glare, punching it and knocking it off the bedside cabinet.

"Feeling a bit destructive today, son?" His fathers voice chimed making Mike jump once again.

"Dad! Stop appearing out of nowhere!" He cried out, folding his arms grumpily. His father chuckled in amusement.

"My apologies, but it is time for you to get ready for school now. Don't want to be late do you?" He asked his son, turning to exit the room.

Mike sighed in response, nodding.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll get up." He mumbled, yawning and hopping off his bed.

"Good, I have to leave now for work. I'll see you after school, Mike."  His father stated as he left the room.

"Bye dad!" Mike yelled, hearing the front door open and close shut signalling his departure.

Mike headed over towards his closet, reaching in and grabbing identical clothes to the ones he usually wears. He hastily changed into them before walking towards his desk and grabbing his hairbrush, proceeding to try and untagle his knotted hair. Mike winced a few times, followed by a string of ow's.

"Ow, ow, owwww!" He whined, seething in pain.

"Come on, stupid brush..." He grumbled.

The vampire carried on brushing his hair until almost all the knots were out.

"Good enough..." He murmured, tossing the brush onto his bed.

He then exited his room and entered his bathroom, beginning to wash his face and clean his teeth - and fangs.


Pete had finally finished washing his face, cleaning his teeth and applying his eyeliner. He stared at his reflection, sneering slightly in disgust. "I look awful... As usual." He grumbled, turning away and leaving the bathroom. The goth slowly headed into the kitchen, opening the fridge and sighing. Of course they had almost no food.

"Typical..." He muttered.

Closing the fridge shut, Pete walked away and left the kitchen, opening the front door and stepping outside, slamming the door behind him and lighting a cigarette.

The goth set off towards South Park Elementary at a steady pace, staring down at the snow. 

"Pete!" A voice called out making him stop in his tracks and glance up, seeing Firkle.

"Hey kiddo..." He muttered, looking back down at the snow and beginning to walk again with  Firkle besides him. Both boys stayed silent as they eventually made it to the school.

"Nazi wannabe Vampire conformist..." Firkle seethed, making Pete shift his gaze towards where Firkle was pointing.

"God dammnit..." He groaned, seeing the same stupid pretty face from yesterday.

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