Chapter 5: 950 x 150

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Filler chapter

"Hello, Vampir! How are you doing today?" Vladimir asked, tilting his head and shooting him a smile. 

"Why hello, Vladimir. I'm doing just fine, per se." Mike replied, giving the other vampire a toothy grin. 

"My lord! Would you like to join us all after school and help burn things we hate?" Larry asked. "I'm going to burn flowers!"

Mike hummed thoughtfully before shrugging.

"I'm not sure, give me some time to think it over and I'll tell you at lunch - I might have to do other things." He answered, receiving a nod from Larry.

The vampires continued to chat about random things, Mike making wild hand gestures as he told them a 'highly interesting' story.


Pete puffed out some smoke, lowering his cigarette and sighing. The goths had been listening to music for around an hour now.

"I'm so freaking bored..." Pete grumbled. "Don't get me wrong, It's nice to just sit and listen to music, but I'm so freaking bored." He repeated.

"Go for a walk or something..." Henrietta mumbled, glancing at Pete.

Pete stayed quiet, thinking it over.

"Sure, whatever..." He eventually responded with, flipping his hair before standing up. "I'll probably be back later - if I'm not, assume I'm dead." He stated, huffing slightly.

"Kay." Henrietta replied. 

Pete stared at them all before turning away and beginning to tread through the snow towards nowhere in particular.


The school bell soon rang signalling the end of recess. Mike sighed dramatically. 

"Time to go our separate ways... Goodbye, my friends!" 

Bloodrayne, Vladimir and Larry laughed softly, saying their goodbye's to the goofy vampire.

Mike grinned at them, turning away and rushing towards his next class. 

'Ugh, History... I hate History.' He thought to himself, scowling with distaste. 

The vampire entered his classroom upon arriving, sitting far at the back near a window. A few other kids began to file into the room, all taking a seat at desks besides their friends. Mike groaned silently, covering his ears to try and block out the loud chattering.

"Quieten down, everyone! We need to begin our lesson!" The teacher barked, all the students instantly falling silent. Said teacher smiled smugly before beginning to drone on about medieval times. Mike tried to listen however found himself leaning on the palm of his hand, gazing outside the window.

"I wish I was a cloud..." He mumbled absentmindedly, sighing. "This is so boring..."


Pete trudged through the snow that sat on the sidewalk, glancing around every now and then to see whereabouts he was. A small child ran passed, bumping into the goth and nearly knocking him over - luckily he was able to reclaim his balance. 

"Stupid conformist..." He seethed before sighing and regaining his composure. Pete continued to wonder through the streets, the memory of Mike re-emerging in his mind. 'That damn vampire wannabe!' he angrily thought to himself, clenching his fists. He didn't understand why he felt so angry and conflicted. 'Maybe it's all my burning hatred for him because he's the vampire leader.' He finally concluded. 'yeah, that's it.' 

The goth jumped slightly when he heard barking. Cursing under his breath, he flipped his hair and glared down at the snow-covered ground as he carried on walking.


"Mike Makowski! Are you listening to me?" The teacher hollered, making said vampire jump in fear and switch his line of view towards him.

"Y-Yes, Sir!" He answered, smiling nervously.

"Then tell me, what is the answer to 950 x 150?" he quizzed.

"Ah... A big number?" He half asked, resulting in the other kids snickering and laughing. The teacher glared daggers at Mike making him shrink back in his seat. 

"No, no, no!" He screamed. "Get out of my classroom!"

Mike sighed, standing up and hastily leaving the classroom.

"Hey Mike! Fancy seeing you here in this very hallway." A voice greeted. The vampire turned around and smiled at the sight of his new friend, Clyde.

"Hi Clyde." He replied, waving. Clyde returned Mike's smile, stepping towards him.

"Why are you out here and not in your classroom?" he asked, tilting his head curiously.

"I got sent out because I said 950 x 150 is a big number." Mike explained, huffing.

Clyde stifled a laugh. 

"I mean, you're not wrong - the answer would be a big number." He stated, Mike nodding in agreement.

"Why aren't you in your classroom?" The vampire asked.

"Oh, I went to the bathroom - I was just heading back to class until I bumped into you." He replied.

"Oh, well you should probably go back now so the teacher doesn't get suspicious or anything." Mike suggested. 

"Okay, good idea. It was nice to see you again! Bye, Mike!" Clyde called, waving as he rushed back towards his classroom. 

Mike waved back at him, watching him leave. When Clyde had disappeared from sight, he turned around again and sighed.

"10 minutes left until lunch time..." He mumbled to himself, stomach growling. "What to do until then..." He hummed.


Pete was seated on a bench beneath a tree, observing a few children who were building a snowman and giggling about something.

"Conformists..." He grumbled, averting his gaze towards something other then them. His eyes widened slightly, noticing a crow perched besides him. Hesitantly, Pete slowly lifted his hand, wanting to pet the crow. Said bird stared up at Pete with its beady eyes however remained still. Pete took his chance and gently pet the bird's head with one of his fingers. The crow stayed put, allowing the goth the carry on for a good 10 seconds before the bird cawed and flew away.

"Huh..." Pete hummed, staring at the crow as it flew away.


Mike wondered through the school aimlessly, waiting for the bell to ring for lunchtime.

"Soooo boring... I wonder if Sir wanted me to go to the Principle's office." He muttered to himself. "Nah, he didn't tell me to, he just told me to get out of his classroom." 

The vamp squeaked when he heard the bell ring, quickly recovering from the shock and grinning.

"About damn time!" He exclaimed, rushing towards the cafeteria as other kids filed out of their classrooms.

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