Chapter 6: Stalker

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Sorry for the lack of updates, to make up for it I'll give you an extra long chapter. :) Art above created by Vanettioverdose

Mike rushed towards the canteen hurriedly. 'I'm sooo hungry...' he thought to himself, patting his stomach. The vampire eventually arrived at his destination and smiled upon noticing his friends already seated with a bottle of Clamato juice.

"Hello, my lord!" Larry greeted excitedly, waving to the vampire leader. Mike gave him a toothy grin, waving back slightly and approaching him and the others.

"Greetings, Larry. Hello everyone else." Mike waved towards the other vampires, taking a seat between Vladimir and Annie.

"Hey Mike." The vampire's greeted simultaneously.

"Have you decided if you're going to burn stuff with us after school?" Larry asked with hopeful eyes. Mike gave the younger male a sheepish smile.

"Actually, I have other plans after school." He declared making Larry deflate slightly.

"Oh, okay then... That's fine!" said Vampire replied, smiling slightly.

"Other plans?" Ryan asked, raising his eyebrow questioningly. Mike nodded, taking a bite out of a sandwich Bloodrayne had generously offered him.

"Yeah, I want to go on a long walk." Mike stated. "And maybe go to Hot Topic."

 Vladimir perked up slightly. "Oh, can I come with you?" He asked making Larry frown.

"No, you're supposed to help me burn things!" He whined. Vladimir sighed.

"But that's boring." He mumbled.

Mike chuckled as he watched the two vampires bicker, finding it quite amusing. 

"Quieten down, children. Vladimir, I like to be on my own when I go for walks so you're going to have to burn things with the others."

Larry cheered and Vladimir huffed, defeated.

The sound of the bell ringing made Mike jump and whine in confusion.

"What? It can't be the end of lunch yet - I haven't finished eating my sandwich!" He cried out.

Bloodrayne laughed softly as she stood up. "Eat it quickly now, then." She stated, walking away and waving.

Mike sighed, shoving the rest of the sandwich in his mouth and standing up, heading towards his last class - and fortunately his favorite class - Art.


Pete had been sat on the bench for quite a while now, glaring down at the snow-covered ground as he took a drag of his cigarette. He couldn't stop thinking about a certain stupid pretty boy and it was making the goth grow increasingly irritated. 

'I must really hate that damn vampire to be thinking about him this much.' he thought to himself, scowling. Pete sighed, bringing the cigarette back up to his lips. The sudden sound of a 'meow' brought him out of his thoughts. He glanced sideways and noticed a jet black cat was sat on the other side of the bench. The cat blinked at him before turning away to watch the birds. Pete also turned away, glaring back down at the ground.


Mike was seated at his desk, waiting patiently for the teacher to enter the room and give them some work to do. More students filed into the room, taking their seats and chatting away to their friends. Mike frowned slightly, wishing some of his friends were in the same class as he was in.

The chatter was soon silenced as the teacher entered with some drawing paper.

"Hello, everyone. Today we're going to be doing a test." 

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