Chapter 7: Ice cold

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Brush your teeth before you cross the road

Quite some time had passed by and now the sky was beginning to transform into a beautiful pinkish haze with pink candyfloss clouds scattered above the vampire and the goth. Their little water fight had ended a while ago and now they were both seated on the nearby bench, a comfortable yet awkward silence between them.

Pete was intensely staring at the vampire, as if trying to figure out a puzzle. Mike glanced at Pete, a somewhat concerned expression on his pale face. Why was he staring at him?

"Uh, Pete..?" Mike called out, receiving no response. Mike huffed, leaning forwards slightly and waving his hand in front of the goth's face. 

"Dude, Pete?" Mike once again called out. "Why are you staring at me?" He added.

Pete blinked, snapping out of his strange trance and humming in confusion.

"What? I wasn't staring at you." The goth argued, turning away from the vampire hastily in an attempt to hide the soft pink blush that dusted his cheeks. Mike tilted his head, grinning faintly.

"Yes you were, you were staring at my undeniably beautiful face." Mike smugly responded, folding his arms and shifting his position, waiting patiently for a reaction from the already flustered goth.

Pete's face lit up up like a fire, the pink shade growing darker. He stammered momentarily, quickly turning back to look at the vampire with an incredulous expression. Mike snorted, laughing to himself ; he was pleased with the reaction.

"S-Shut up.!" Pete barked, glaring daggers at the other male. "You're in no way beautiful, you're displeasing to look at." He stated in the nicest way possible. Wait, since when was he nice?

Mike's laughter abruptly stopped, pouting. 

"Rude." He mumbled. "I am stunning."

"Stunningly unattractive."

"No..!" Mike whined. "Stunningly good-looking."

Pete rolled his eyes, sighing irritably.

"Clearly you've never looked at a mirror." he mumbled, fumbling to get a cigarette out of his pocket. Mike ignored the comment and watched Pete light the cigarette with a frown.

"Dude, smoking's bad for you." The vampire muttered, leaning forwards and batting the lit cigarette out of the unsuspecting goth's hand. The cigarette dropped to the snow covered ground, Mike stamping his foot on it so that it was no longer usable.

"What the hell?" Pete cried out, glowering at the older male. "They're expensive to buy, fagula!" He snarled, clearly infuriated.

Mike rolled his eyes, folding his arms once again.

"They'll kill you."

"Good." Pete grumbled, feeling about his pocket for another one. His movements were suddenly halted by Mike grabbing Pete's arm with unreal speed. Pete froze for a few seconds, startled by how swiftly Mike had grabbed him, his mouth agape. He quickly recovered from the shock and tried to pull his arm away with all his strength, yet it wouldn't budge. Mike, with ease, lowered Pete's arm- still keeping a hold on it.

"Smoking's bad for you." The vampire repeated, releasing the surprised goth's arm and standing up. "And don't call me fagula."  He added, turning around and beginning to walk away, waving his hand. Pete stared at Mike's retreating form, baffled. How had he grabbed him so fast- and how was he so strong?

The goth was half tempted to call out for the vampire though managed to refrain. He continued to eye Mike until he was completely out of sight. Pete sighed, glimpsing downwards at the unusable cigarette, contemplating what just happened. Mike's grasp had been ice cold. Pete inwardly shivered, subconsciously placing his hand over the part of his arm Mike had grabbed...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2019 ⏰

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