Confusion-'He doesn't deserve you.'

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Troye felt hot all over. A few tears had escaped his eyes and he bit his lip, trying to stop. What made it worse was that Tyler was looking at him with genuine concern and guilt. Why would he ever care about Troye? Especially the seventeen year old that can't drink and apparently isn't good enough to date. Caspar was glaring at Tyler and Connor looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him up.

"Troye, I am so sorry. I didn't mean it like that I swear-"

"Save it Tyler," Troye snapped. He felt like he was breaking on the inside, he just wanted to cry throughout the whole night. He stood up abruptly and left. He heard Tyler try and follow but Caspar told him to stop and leave it. He also called Tyler a few names but Troye didn't really want to congratulate him for it. He went outside and round the side before sliding down the wall. He brought his knees up to his chest and buried his head in his hands. He let out a broken sob and cried into his hands, the tears falling relentlessly.

He would never be good enough for Tyler. Tyler was older and hotter and funnier and kinder. He was stunning and well-built compared to Troye's skinny frame. He could work, he could drink, he could date and go home with several different guys. Troye was just a seventeen year old who sat around obsessing over a guy he didn't have a chance with. Connor probably had a social life; he could give Tyler a good time. Troye couldn't even think properly around him. It's like his mind was just chanting Tyler, Tyler, Tyler whenever he was in close proximity. He was so far gone and he wished to resurface. He had fallen into the trap that was Tyler Oakley.

"Troye!" He heard his name being yelled and tried to be quiet. He recognised the voice like it was his own.

"Troye, where are you?!" He couldn't help the small sob that escaped his lips. He heard the rush of footsteps approaching and soon Tyler came into view with a worried yet slightly relieved expression twisting his features. He rushed over and knelt beside Troye. He went to cup Troye's cheek but Troye flinched away. He wouldn't let himself fall for it. Tyler looked hurt but regained his composure.

"Troye please let me explain. I didn't mean to say it like that, it came out wrong."

"What were you trying to say then Tyler, that I'm not worthy of any man?"

"No of course not Troye, I was trying to say he doesn't deserve you." Troye stood up angrily and Tyler followed.

"Liar. I know what you were trying to say, that I don't deserve anyone."

"For goodness sake Troye, just please listen to me!"

"No it's okay, I get it. No one is going to like me, the guy who can't drink, the guy who will always be too skinny, and the guy who doesn't have a social life."

"Troye Sivan," Tyler sounded angry again. Good.

"I'm to one who can never style their hair just right, I'm the one who can't dress in certain outfits. I cry at everything, I have a strange laugh; I'm not cute, adorable, hot or sexy. I'm just plain so thank you Tyler. I know no one would want me but I really needed that wake up call. You know what-"

"Troye!" Tyler's voice was loud and sharp, annoyed.

Tyler surged forward and shoved Troye against the brick wall. His two hands were either side of Troye's head and he was leaning in dangerously close. His breathing was heavy and Troye was trapped. He wasn't complaining though.

"Troye Sivan, don't you dare think those things. I am not a liar; I did mean he didn't deserve you. You are none of those things you just said. You hair is always adorable, your weight is perfect and who cares about what you do at home. Your laugh is the best sound and the fact that you cry shows that you're an actual human being. You are not cute, adorable, hot or sexy, you're none of those. You're perfect and any guy would be lucky to have you whether it is as a friend, boyfriend, partner, and their lucky to even be able to know you. So don't ever think those things about yourself." They were both breathing hard by the end of Tyler's speech.

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