Frustration-'It's over.'

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   Hi loves! I am finally back from Turkey so the regular updating should get back on track. Hurrah! But oh my god did you see the new Troyler collab videos, they are just too much to handle sometimes. I was freaking out in the middle of the Turkish restraunt. Anyways I am actually sad to announce this book is coming to a close. I estimate about fiver or sic more chapters maybe until the epilogue. How it ends, I'm not going to tell you (; . However it is not the last you'll see of me! In fact I am starting a few more Troyler AU's which I am stupidly excited to write which I will be posting a preview of soon. So get excited! Anyway time to post this chapter and please don't hate Troye too much (; . I feel so bad. Just to clear things up, Tyler is not cheating on Troye with Marcus. None of that happens in case you are confused. Anywho, awkwardly long authors note done and let it begin! Thank you for everything and I love you all. Enjoy <3


   Troye didn’t scream. He didn’t cry. He didn’t yell at him to get out. He didn’t demand that it was over with Tyler. Troye was just numb. He had tried everything he could to get the man he loved to stop hanging around with Marcus, but instead he does the complete opposite. Sure they weren’t kissing, they weren’t fucking or anything. In fact they were just simply sitting there and talking with two mugs of tea. But it was the fact that only Troye could see the shine in Marcus’ eyes when he looked at Tyler or the flirtatious smoulder that Troye could never quite pull off. Tyler seemed oblivious to the fact that Marcus had never gotten over the one night stand and still pined after Tyler like a fucking lap dog.

   He thought he done everything he could. He talked to Tyler, he yelled at Tyler, hell, he thought he even fucked it into Tyler but his boyfriend just couldn’t receive the message. Troye tried to be confident when it came to claiming what was his and Tyler knew he was insecure. So why did he do it, behind Troye’s back without even telling him first? If he told him they could have talked it out. Instead he kept it from him while Troye was losing his best friend, expecting to come home for some fucking comfort. All he was met with was the sight of them two and a snarl of jealousy swirling in his stomach.

    He had a terrifying urge to do something awful. He wanted to make Tyler jealous and feel the tears stinging in the back of his eyes and the lump forming in his throat. This is why he didn’t make a scene. He didn’t demand anything or anyone to get the fuck out. Instead he just walked away. He walked straight through to Tyler’s bedroom hearing Tyler’s little footsteps behind him. Troye knew exactly what he was looking for, pulling out drawers and opening the wardrobe. He knew Tyler kept them here, not for anything; he had just simply folded them away for when Troye next needed them. He was being a good boyfriend. Unlike now.

    Troye heard the shut of the door behind him and Tyler’s ragged breaths.

“Troye, babe, I can explain, Marcus, he-“ Troye held up a hand and kept a blank expression on his face. He turned and looked at Tyler.

“Where are my jeans?” Tyler looked incredibly confused.

“No, Troye I need to explain, I swear-“

“Tyler. Where are my fucking jeans?” Troye hissed out of clenched teeth. Tyler’s bottom lip wobbled as if he was about to cry and he pointed to the bottom drawer. Troye went over to the drawer and pulled out his jeans. He wasn’t going insane; he didn’t want them for the denim. He wanted the crumpled piece of paper in the pocket which he had tried to forget about. The piece of paper with a number on it which would crush Tyler’s heart into a million pieces.

Chase’s number.

   The plan was all formed in Troye’s head. He should have thought it through but he couldn’t think straight, the image of Marcus and Tyler replaying through his head like an annoying whine. He wanted to shake it away but he couldn’t, it was burned there. Tyler had tears in his eyes and he was biting his bottom lip extremely hard trying not to full on sob. It broke Troye’s heart to see him, but he was going to break Tyler’s soon. Troye pulled out the paper and quickly pocketed it without Tyler seeing. He would tell him where he had been when he got back. Tyler grabbed Troye’s wrist and looked up at him with a broken expression.

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