Date-'Troye the Sex Machine.'

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Troye was having a mental breakdown. His heart was beating a thousand miles a minute in his chest and his thoughts were scattered. He felt like his brain had melted and he was just freaking out. He was standing in front of his open wardrobe with a large pile of discarded clothing which he didn't like to his right. Caspar and his girlfriend Gaby were on the speaker phone. He was in just a towel at the moment with no clue what to do. He had texted Tyler earlier but that was pointless. He asked him what he should wear and Tyler sent this:

From: Tilly

Naked please.

After blushing like a fool he realized Tyler would be no help so he consulted Caspar. Well actually Caspar was just playing FIFA while Gaby helped Troye. Caspar was so lazy. Troye threw another shirt on the floor in anger. Gaby sighed over the phone and hit Caspar when he started laughing.

"I don't know what to do. Casual, formal or half way between those two. I might just do what Tyler said and go naked," he huffed.

"Troye calm down. You need to go for a look that shows you're sophisticated but not too fancy. So firstly pull on some boxers."

"How did you know I had none on?"

"I heard you mutter under your breath 'might just go out in this damn towel.' Now shove a pair of those on."

Troye opened a drawer and pulled out some black boxer briefs. He dropped his towel and left it on the floor.

"Okay, now put those nice tight black jeans on. The really tight ones which will give you a more casual yet nice look." Troye moved some hangers out of the way and found his nice jeans. He pulled them up and checked himself in the mirror and smiled in approval. He loved his jeans.

"Then put on that reddish blue shirt and a black jumper over it." Troye loved the outfit and when he finished twirling round in the mirror he squealed down the phone.

"You're the best Gaby," he thanked her and Caspar made a bored noise.

"So where do you think you'll be going?"

"Not sure, but as long as it's with him, I'm sure it will be great." Gaby made a cute squealing sound and Caspar pretended to throw up.

"It's much better than you did Caspar. You just got take out and made me pay half the bill."

"I forgot my wallet! I made it up to you though," Caspar had a suggestive tone in his voice and Troye felt like he wanted to puke.

"Gross Caspar," Gaby groaned.

"You know you love it baby," Troye heard kissing sounds over the phone and decided that was the end of this phone call.

"Well on that note, I'm going to go. Thanks Gaby," he smiled.

"Good luck Troye! Remember don't be nervous, It's Tyler. See you soon."

"Good luck man, I love you," Caspar yelled dramatically.

"Thanks Caspar, see you soon, I love you too." Troye pressed the end call and put his phone to one side.

He slipped his converse on and quiffed his hair, glad that it wasn't being difficult today. He brushed his teeth again, just in case and finally was ready. It was about half six and Tyler was going to be here at seven. Troye wandered downstairs, his family were on the living room watching TV.

"Looking smart son, where are you off to?" His dad smiled.

"I'm going out with Tyler," he blushed.

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