Addicted-'Broken best friend.'

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   I have just been talking about you guys with one of my best friends and I was saying how much I love you (: Anyways, enjoy this chapter as it has a little drama in it <3


Troye was addicted. He was simply addicted to Tyler. It was like his whole life centred on Tyler, constantly thinking about what he was doing or what he would think about what Troye was doing. When he thought about or was with Tyler, the whole world would just fade out and he would only focus on Tyler. See in a way, this was both good and bad. It was good because it showed how in love with Tyler, Troye was. However, forgetting about everyone else isn’t the best of ideas. He felt guilty about not hanging out with Caspar because he was so addicted to be around Tyler. So on Sunday when Caspar texted him that it was urgent they meet up, he had a struggle saying goodbye to Tyler.

From: Caspar the slut <3

   Meet me at mine urgently. It’s serious Troye.

    The text alone worried Troye, he knew his best friend. Caspar would always send joking texts; nothing could bring him down easily. So the blunt message sent a billion thoughts running through Troye’s head. He could feel a headache coming on with all the stress and Tyler seemed to notice. They were cuddled up on the sofa, Troye drifting in and out of sleep. Tyler pulled Troye to lay in-between Tyler’s legs and lay his head on Tyler’s stomach. Troye looked up at the ceiling, trying to gather his thoughts. Tyler placed his fingers to his temples and began slowly massaging Troye’s head. Troye sighed contently, Tyler knew him so well.

   Korey was out with a friend and the apartment was silent apart from the low buzz of the TV. It was so relaxing to sit with Tyler but his best friend was in trouble, Troye couldn’t leave him.

“Why so stressed baby?” Tyler muttered quietly and Troye let his eyes slip shut as Tyler massaged his shoulders now. Troye brought a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose and he furrowed his eyebrows, trying to figure out what could get Caspar so upset. Tyler brought one hand up and grabbed Troye’s hands, stopping him from pinching the bridge of his nose. He then used his thumb to smooth out the furrow in Troye’s brows and Troye melted under his touch.

   “Troye, sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Troye took a deep breath.

“It’s Caspar, I’m worried about him. He told me to get over there straight away and I’m panicked about him.” Tyler hummed under his breath and started sliding his fingers through Troye’s hair, massaging his scalp. Troye nearly purred and pushed up slightly into Tyler’s hand.

“I need to go over there Ty, he’s my best friend,” Troye sighed; he would miss Tyler so much even if he was away for a few hours. It worried him about how addicted to Tyler was.

“I know Troye; I’ll drive you over there.” Troye turned round and got on his knees between Tyler’s legs. He cupped Tyler’s face with his hands and smiled.

“You sure? I really don’t want to leave,” he pouted selfishly.

“He’s your best friend babe; you have to be there for him. Come on, get your jacket and shoes on,” Tyler pulled Troye up.

   Troye sighed again and got up. He pulled on his shoes and Tyler held open his jacket, smiling teasingly.

“I haven’t got all day Troyeboy,” he laughed. Troye rolled his eyes and slipped his arms in the jacket sleeves, Tyler letting go of the fabric. Tyler turned him round and grabbed the collar of his jacket, pulling him towards him. He crashed his lips onto Troye’s and Troye gasped in surprise. He brought his arms up and wrapped them round Tyler’s neck, letting Tyler slip his tongue into his mouth. Tyler nibbled on Troye’s lip and Troye moaned, pressing himself closer to Tyler.

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