Chapter 25

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He what?, I look at Jaebum my face is shocked, "A-are you sure?" I ask and he nod, I cant say anything I felt tears are rushing on my cheeks non-stop, "n-no Chang-Kyun" I said and cry my heart out. The students in class look at me weirdly and look at Jaebum weirdly too.

I felt Jaebum hands wrapped at my body and pull me into a hug, I hid my face at his chest and cry a lot. Moments later Jaebum bring me outside at the school field. I was sobbing but not that hard Jaebum look at me sadly, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't told you" He said and I look up at the sky.

"Its fine, you should told me because you knew how special he is to my life even though he did all those things to me" I said and he look at me and give me a hug again, "The memorial are going to go on today wanna go visit?" he said and I nod. We both just hug at the field under the tree while I'm still sobbing.

"I can't believe he's gone" I said and he pat my head, "Everything happens for a reason" he said and I nod "Yeah, maybe its a good one" I said and I stop crying and look at Jaebum then hug him "Thanks Jaebumie" I said and he hug me back "No problem Y/N" he said. We both ended up skipping all the classes and sit under the tree while listening to songs and look up the sky, I smile.

Jooheon ah Chang-Kyun ah I hope you guys are happy up there, you got each other backs up there right?Jooheon you better not murdering Chang-Kyun, You both take care. I smile and look back at Jaebum, he's closing his eyes and I smile, "I'm going to take care of myself and I'm going to take care of Jaebum" I said and look up at the sky and smile.

~After school~

Me and Jaebum are walking back home after Chang-Kyun memorial together with the rest of red velvet and GOT6, also Jisung. "Y/N" Jisung calls me and I look at him "yep?", "Are you okay?" he ask and I smile "Yeah, I'm fine" I said and he smiles, "If you need some comfort video call me" Jisung said and I nod "thanks Jisung" I said, "Hey, don't video call some other guys" Jaebum said and I can sense his jealousy.

I chuckle Jisung chuckle too, Jisung suddenly put his arms on my shoulder, "I mean she's my friend why she cant video call me?" He said and pull me closer too him "yah park Jisung move your hands away" he said, "I don't want too" He said and stick out a tounge.

"Yah Park Jisung!" Jaebum said as he chase Jisung away, I laugh someone else put a hand on my shoulder I look at it it was Yeri, "I'm here too if you need comfort feel free to come into my room" she said and I smile at her, "Thanks Yeri" I said and she smile "Anytime bestie" 

We all laugh looking at Jisung and Jaebum childish act as we walk. They are really precious too me, I cherish them so much.


After the others went to their part ways me and Jaebum are outside of Yeri's house, the girls are already inside probably spying on us, "thanks Jaebum" I said and he smile and pinch my cheeks "Welcome princess" he said and we both wave goodbye when he stop me "You're not actually gonna call Jisung right?" he said and I chuckle, "depends" I said and he look at me, "Just gonna talk about school stuff okay" I said and he sigh.

"Alright" he said and was about to left when I call him "Jaebum ah!" I said and went to him and kiss his cheeks, "good night" I said and went back inside. My face are red and hot, the girls on the other hand were inside smiling. "ooooohhh~" 

~Jaebum pov~

I'm still in shock after Y/N kiss my cheeks I touch it and smile, I reach my house and said "I'm home!" and proceed to my room when I spot my dad's room is open. I eavesdrop and peek while I'm at it. I spot my dad on the phone.

"I'll send you the payment later" my dad said, Payment? what payment. My eyes went wide after hearing what he just said.

"Good job for making Chang-Kyun murder scene looks like a suicide"


I'm back!, sorry for not updating yesterday was busy and tired xD. But I updated today!.

I hope you guys have fun reading this and like this ! <3. Fav and comment how it is.

Love you guys and all the ghost reader <33

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