13: Tickets and Wasabi Stains

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Brendon tries his best to stay quiet, the glow of his laptop screen illuminating his slightly tanned face as his eyes tiredly strain to read the words in front of him at around four in the morning, a goal in his mind as his brain begs him to go to sleep.

Ryan shifts in bed, making Brendon freeze and wait. He doesn't want to get caught doing what he's doing, so he turns the brightness down on his screen and watches Ryan roll onto his side, his back facing away from Brendon, letting out an incoherent mumble. Relieved, Brendon resumes what he's doing and checks how much money he has in his bank account. He winces when he does so, starting to reconsider what he's doing.

He shakes that thought away. No, he tells himself, you don't get to be selfish. This is for Ryan. He needs this more than you need money. You're fucking taking him to that Green Day concert, whether you go broke or not. It's now or never, you broke ass bitch.

He takes a deep breath, ordering two Green Day tickets before closing his laptop, tucking it under the bed, and curling up next to his bean so he can finally sleep.


"Why are you so tired?" Breezy asks him, searching Dallon's cupboards hours later. "How much sleep did you get last night?"

"What are you, my mom?" Brendon jokes, tossing a hacky-sack in the air as he lays on Dallon's couch. "I got, like, four to five hours."

"Why?" Dallon asks from beside him on the floor, since there's no more room on the couch. "What happened in your dull life that was so important you lost out on so much sleep?"

"Okay, first off, my life is not dull," Brendon snaps. "I'm gonna be a fucking Broadway bitch, you burger flipper."

"Do you realize how hard it is to flip burgers?" Dallon asks. "That's not an insult. Burger flippers are coordinated lads and lassies and non-binary assies."

Breezy laughs, finding a bowl and placing it on the kitchen counter as she eavesdrops in on the conversation. "It isn't the way you do it, Dal," she calls.

"Why am I getting bullied? We're supposed to be interrogating Brendon," Dallon scoffs. "B, spill the proverbial beans."

Brendon inhales, beginning to grin. "Well," he starts, "Ryan loves Green Day more than he loves most things. Probably even me, which is pretty hard to believe. So, when he heard they were coming to our town and he couldn't afford tickets, he was devastated. Much like a millennial when losing a game of Fortnite. So, last night, I was an amazing boyfriend and bought my boy some Green Day tickets. He'll hopefully be able to witness Billie Joe jacking off, which I hear is quite a scene."

"Have you told him yet?" Dallon asks, sitting up to face his best friend. "I imagine not, since you're still alive. He'd smother you to death in love and unconditional support for real if you've told him."

"Yeah, you're right." Brendon nods. "I'm not telling him for a while. Not until our anniversary, I think."

"Aw!" Breezy grins, bringing the empty bowl into the living room. "Everyone deserves a Brendon in their lives."

"I hate to interrupt the moment," Dallon interrupts, "but what's in that bowl?"

"Oh!" Breezy smiles sweetly, walking towards him. "I was looking through your fridge and cupboards for anything healthy, so I combined them all together in this bowl!"

He takes the bowl, looking inside and frowning. "But there's nothing in here."

"Exactly. You're an unhealthy pig, you know that?"

Brendon snickers, covering his mouth with his hand to avoid laughing at Dallon's offended face. "Excuse me-" the latter starts.

"No." Breezy shakes her head, cutting him off. "You're not excused. You're gonna die of some sort of failure in your body by the time you're twenty five."

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