16: Morning Cuddles and Helpful Lesbians

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Ryan taps Brendon's shoulder. "Brendon." When he doesn't wake up, he taps again. "Brendon."

Brendon groans, tightening his arms around the smaller brunet and pulling him to his chest. "Fuck off," he mumbles.

Ryan smiles a bit, propping his chin on Brendon's chest and looking at him. "Brendon, pay attention to me. Today we have to go to work, so let's get up and take a shower."

"Sorry, I can't." Brendon pushes Ryan's head down so now his cheek is resting on his bare chest, tiredly stroking his hair. "I'm too busy sleeping."

Ryan chuckles, now being held in place so he doesn't move. "Uh, Brendon?" He asks. "Usually I like to be asked first before I'm pinned down."

Brendon lightly hums in acknowledgement, beginning to fall back asleep. Ryan holds back a dramatic sigh, wedging his leg in between Brendon's slightly spread ones to make himself more comfortable. He tries to fall back asleep, not surprised when he doesn't and he's left laying there, wondering how mad Elizabeth will be if he's late to work today. He finds himself not caring after five minutes of contemplation, and shifts some more so his arms aren't bent in an uncomfortable angle.

As much as it may seem he doesn't, Ryan really does love these types of mornings. His heart feels warm whenever he tries to get up but being interrupted by his boyfriend pulling him down to cuddle more, and he wishes that he could miss work everyday if it meant more cuddles. But alas, taxes are a thing and they must be paid. Not to mention that sometimes Brendon farts while they cuddle, and Ryan considers that to be a bit of a turn off.

He has a fleeting thought of whether or not Brendon's ever silently farted while they were having sex, but he pushes it aside and buries it deep in the depths of his mind.

Ryan sometimes wonders why Brendon is the only person allowed to touch him in any way; he's never really enjoyed the idea of any type of touch, and he barely even held hands with his middle school girlfriend because he felt so uncomfortable. Elizabeth is the only female exception. He felt the same way around Brendon for the longest time until they went out for pizza with their friends one night in college, where Ryan had gotten some tomato sauce on his cheek. Brendon reached out to wipe it, causing Ryan to immediately flinch away at the gesture before allowing it.

He supposes it's because Brendon's the only person he's ever truly trusted; he definitely trusts Elizabeth, but Brendon is a whole other level. They know almost everything about each other, and none of that information has ever been used against them except for in playful teasing.

It's a magical thing, coming to the conclusion of how much you truly love someone. It can be amazing, but it depends on the circumstances.

Ryan attempts to get up, now realizing he really has to go to work, but Brendon pulls him down again. "Come on, B," he groans against Brendon's skin. "Let me go."

"No," Brendon mumbles. "It's against the law. Pretty boys have to stay and cuddle their boyfriends for the rest of forever. Abide by the laws of this land, Casanova."

"No, I'm gonna abide by the laws of a girl named Elizabeth Anne Berg." Ryan sighs, prying Brendon's arms off of him and sitting up. "Unlike you, I care about my job."

Brendon gives him an overly offended look. "Um, why am I being bullied at like five in the morning?"

"Brendon, it's nine thirty."

"I'm sorry, did I stutter?"

Ryan sighs, shaking his head as he gets off the bed to go into the bathroom. "You make absolutely no sense," he calls over his shoulder, "you know that?"

"It's what makes me interesting!" Brendon calls back.

"Sure, honey. Okay."


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