Chapter 3, Her Pain

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I woke up the next day, sore, tired and waiting to just disappear.

I've always thought why me, why me of all people. I didn't do anything bad when I was young. When I first came I believed that something this bad must come with something good in the end of my path but, 13 years later and nothing has happened.

I stood up on my mat and walked over to a bag, my dresser. I pulled out my favorite t-shirt a black shirt and some black shorts. I sat there in silence to try and hear if my master was awake or even home.

I couldn't hear anything, I bet if a pin dropped everyone in the world would hear it. If my master was asleep I would be able to hear his snoring, and if he was downstairs I would hear the tv or his elephant type of steps.

So I quietly walked over to the shower in his room with my towel, clothes and some soap. I started to clean myself when I found all different types of wounds, bruises and scars covering my body like a canvas.

I took my shower, it was painful but I had to keep clean I didn't want to get sick. I got out of the shower, dried off and got changed into my outfit.

I slowly walked down the stairs and limped into the kitchen. I had to see how much food we had. 

I checked the fridge and saw enough for one more day at least, plus we had last nights left overs to help. Perfect

I started to get back to work on my chores, when suddenly there was a Big Bang  on my door. I jumped in fright. I waited a few seconds and the banging didn't go away, they just keep banging. I thought soon they were gonna break the door. Then I heard something.

"Thorn! Open up!" It sounded like Lucifer. I could remember his voice anywhere. It was so husky and low.

I slowly walked over to the door trying to hide my limp so that he wouldn't see anything when I got over.

I opened the door slowly, it creaked at my action. 

He stood there, as tall and powerful as ever. I couldn't help but stare, again.

"You ok?!" He asked frantically, he ran his eyes up and down checking me out for something but I couldn't place anything on it. Until I remembered, last night I was screaming, he must have heard it. Damnit! He's looking for my Injury!!

"I'm fine" I used it was the only thing that I could make come out of my mouth my voice had apparently stopped working and my mind just froze. What happens if my master finds out. If he knows someone knows our secret, I'm dead meat. Literally.

"Last night you were screaming you, you sure?" He asked again. I wish he stop pestering me, he really can't know.

"Yes I'm sure of it" I answered. He really needs to leave. I looked down at the ground and started to sweat. I was amazing at lying, why wasn't it working now! At the time I needed it the most.

He looked really worried, and that was new for me. I didn't know what to do and he looked like he was about to burst into the house so I slammed the door shut before he could do anything and I could say something I would regret deeply.

I heard his footsteps as he walked away. I slid down the door and rested my head on my knees. I started to worry, badly.

Soon I felt dizzy, and everything felt numb. My surroundings seemed to all just disappear, I know what was happening I had these way to often. A panic attack. It was a two word I knew all to well.

I stayed there for what seemed like hours, before I heard a car pull up into the drive way and someone slam the door. My master. I HADN'T DONE MY CHORES!!

I ran as fast as I could to my room and dove onto the mat and slid myself under the covers.

I heard the door cream open downstairs, and hear his heavy steps as he walked around the house.

"THORN! I DIDNT TAKE YOU IN FOR YOU SLEEP AROUND ALL DAY NOT DO I WHAT I ASKED YOU TO YOU UNGRATEFUL BRAT!! YOUR PARENTS GAVE YOU AWAY BECAUSE YOU ARE SO USELESS!!!" He screamed at me, I knew he was mad, but I wouldn't let his words hurt me. I'm way to strong for that. Tears threatened to spill out but I took and breath and calmly got out of bed and walked down stairs.

"Yes Master?" I asked with my most sweetful voice, I sounded like a 3 year old but it makes me seem innocent.

"YOU HAVEN'T DONE YOUR CHORES YET!! He yelled again, I know I did don't need to rub it into my face.

I felt my neck scream in pain from the whiplash and my cheek start to go numb. He slapped me, well.

Then pushed me to the ground and started to kick me in exact spot he kicked yesterday. I groaned in pain. He keep on kicking the same spot. I heard a sickening crack and knew what happened. My rib is broken, it was bruised yesterday but it's now broken.

Then he pulled me up and started to push the living day lights out of me. I screamed, I couldn't hold back my voice anymore and my lip was starting to bleed from bitting it to keep the noise down. I groaned in pain my ribs were hurting badly I knew I needed medical attention.

Master dropped me to the floor and was about to step his foot on my face when, the door burst open and the door came flying off it hinges.

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