Chapter 5, Her Awaken

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I heard voices. One that I have never heard before and one low husky voice. It was Lucifer.

As soon as I came back everything rushed into my mind. All the events that happened

I was getting beaten by my Master
Then Lucifer came
Master fainted
He saved me
He called me his, his little Onyx.

"Lucifer" I whisper my voice very rash and hoarse.

The voices stopped and I heard footsteps slowly march over to me.

"Open your eyes, Little One" He whispered into my ear.

I started to feel guilty, because I couldn't. My eyes wouldn't budge. I felt like I was having a tug of war with gravity right now.

Then my eyes started to feel light and they opened.

I smiled, I got to see his beautiful blue eyes staring into my endless black ones.

I tried to reach up to touch his face but I couldn't reach. Everything thing was in pain, and I couldn't feel anything. I was numb. Nothing. I was nothing.

He walked away from me. No don't leave. Don't leave me alone. No again. NO!

I started to shake and move trying to get him to look at me. He keep on waking. I started to tear up, no don't cry.

"Don't leave me" I said in a hush whisper, but it sounded raggedy.

I closed my eyes and cried. I couldn't believe someone who I thought wanted me left me. Maybe I am nothing, just a piece of nothing.

"Onyx, I'm not leaving you." He said.

I opened my eyes to see him with a cup of water and some painkillers...

Oh wow. I'm so dramatic.

I snatched the water and the painkillers. I gulped all the water down, and realized I couldn't take the painkillers. My body has never left me take pulled before, I never knew why.

So I tried to make him happy, I put the pain killer in my mouth but hide it under my tongue.

"Thanks" I exclaimed trying to keep the pill under my tongue.
"Onyx, give me the pill" he said, I knew he would find out I didn't take it.

He opened his hand, and I spit the pill in his hand. He looked disappointed, and I felt guilt he saved my life and I couldn't do one thing right.

"Let me try again" I tried to reach out and grab it but he moved his hand away.
"You can't take pills can you"

I looked at him wide eyed. How did he know.

"Yeah, my body rejects them when I try."

Before I or Lucifer could say or do anything else the doctor walked in, with the police following him like the lost puppy. I smiled at the thought it was quite funny.

Lucifer looked over at me and was confused when he saw me smile. I just rolled my eyes, and looked back the doctor. I mouthed "The police puppy" to him. It took him a few seconds to respond, then he smirked.

He reached out, I flinched, but he keep reached for me. I started to scratch my head and ruffle it. His touch was warm and southing, I leaned into his touch more, like a little puppy.

"Hello Mrs..." the doctor started to talk but he didn't know my last name, I didn't have one.

"Thorn" I just exclaimed. It was better than saying I didn't have one.

Lucifer looked at me confused, he gave me a look 'tell me later' type of look.

"You have been our for 2 days. You have a broken rib, bruises all around your body, many scars, and a few broken bones that are finished healing, what's your excuse?" The doctor stated.

I didn't know what to say, so I just slowly went under the covers so it covered almost all of my body, but missing my head and looked down at the blanket.

Lucifer spoke up for me. "I found her" and that's all he said.

Then the police stepped forward.

"Names Tripp, now little lady would you mind telling me what happened." I shook my head. I didn't want to speak, only to Lucifer. I could trust him.

"Get Hawk" is all Lucifer said. With an emotionless face.

The doctor sighed and walked out of the room, with the police man right on his tail.

I started to get a little scared as all the memories of my master came racing into my mind. I looked down at my fingers and started to twiddle them, and look around the room nervously.

Lucifer must have seen my distress, because he moved closer to me on the bed and soon was lying down next to me with his arm behind my head. My tiny form fit perfectly into his huge frame. I snuggled up to me him and made this weird noise, like a whimper.

He must have heard it because he looked down at me and into my eyes. Those blue oceans swirled with so much emotion but the one I saw the most was 'love'

Soon the door burst again! CAN PEOPLE STOP BURSTING INTO DOORS!

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