Chapter 6, Her Connection

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I yelped and snuggled into Lucifer's side more, out of fright.

"Lucifer, who's this" this man had a powerful voice, more powerful than Luc's. Yes that's what I'm calling him now.

"Onyx" wow Luc must love short sentences.

I really am loving this warmth of him, it's so comforting. I tried to get closer, but I think I was already close enough. So I did the most stupidest thing I could have done.

I climbed on to Lucifer.... let's just take a moment.

Oh god I'm in haven, he's so warm and comfy. Wait...I slowly looked into his eyes and saw amusement and lust. I tried to move closer to his eyes but, his freaking belt hit my bruise, the one with the broke rib underneath.

I groaned and rolled off of him and back onto the bed. I gave the belt a deadly look.

I heard laughter in the back ground. WHO IN THE RIGHT MIND IS LAUGHING RIGHT NOW!! THIS FREAKING BELT TRIED TO KILL shall die.

"Omg, Hawk who is this she is freaking cute!!" A girl squeaked. It's mouse, this girl is a mouse. He high pitched squeal made me cover my ears and I whimpered.

The squealing stopped and I felt hot breath on my neck.

Memories started to come back. I did the only thing I could. Scream and get away.

I screamed and rolled off the bed, ignoring the pain raging in my stomach. I was scooting over to the corner when someone picked me up. WHO IN THE RIGHT MIND WOULD PICK ME UP.

I started to thrash around, but gave up as soon as the pain hit me. I whimpered and looked up to see who the culprit was. It was Luc, of course it was.

"Luc" I called.

He set me back on the bed and set me on his lap. His lap was actually comfy. This will make up for him picking me up

"Onyx, show me your stomach" he commanded in a calming tone. I blushed at the thought and slowly lifted my shirt. Wincing in pain and I lifted it. I heard many gasps in the room.

I quickly looked up to see 3 girls and 3 guys standing in the door way. I quickly put my shirt down and turned to face Lucifer's chest. My cheeks heating up with embarrassment.

I could feel the vibrations of him chuckling. I swear I must looks like a tomato now.

"So Reaper you going to tell us who this is, or never gonna talk to your Brother." A man exclaimed I think it was Hawk. I don't know.

"This is Onyx" again with small sentences.

The three girls walked up to me and the 3 guys following I'm guessing there together and I'm the most trust worthy now so... at least there good.

A girl who looked around 5'4 had short straight light brown hair. With green eyes, I have never seen green eyes. Then I realized something she was the one who laughed at me. She stretched her hand out and said "I'm Taylor."

I keep my hands to myself and just gave her one my famous fake smiles.

A girl with long wavy red brown hair and eyes that matched. Maybe around 5'2 I don't know walked up to me and said " I'm Dacia, nice to meet you." She must have noticed that I don't shake hands and just smiled.

I gave her another one of my famous fake smiles. Does everyone want a fake smile too.

A girl with pitch black hair and blue eyes around maybe 5'3 didn't move just said "Hi I'm Kora, don't mind those dorks"

And guess what I did....gave her a fake smile too. There free so why not.

Oh wait we're forgetting the boys. Oh god there tall, and buff. But Luc's better.

To lazy to describe them all. Let's just say there's Taylor and Hawk. Dacia and Gunner. Then Kora and Ink.

I was starting to get tired. My eyes started to drop and I yawned.

"Luc, I'm tired..." I exclaimed lazily.
"Let's got to bed, Little Onyx" He then picked me up and started to walk out of the room. I was to lazy and didn't really care if I waved or not. They were gonna meet the real me soon, so they could wait.

He walked up me up a flight or stairs and then into a room. I had my eyes closed and I really didn't care what the room looked like as long as there was a bed and not a mat. He put me down in the bed, carefully. Then I heard some shuffling, and draws opening and closing. 

"Here put this on" I opened my eyes and saw a huge t-shirt. I got up slowly and made my way to what I presumed was the bathroom. I was correct. I shut the door and slipped my shirt off, and pulled my shorts off. I slipped the shirt on.....

It came to my knees, I'm not that short am I?

I walked out of the bathroom and Luc had an amused look on his face, but lust and love covered his eyes.

"You look good in my clothes" he exclaimed while slowly stalking over to me like a predator does to his prey. I blushed at his comment.

"It's a little big.... are you sure I can wear this?" I asked

"Yes" he said

I grabbed my waist and pulled me to his body. I don't know why but I felt sparks and I felt like I was meant to be with him.

He picked me up and slowly tucked me in the bed. He was about to walk away when I grabbed his shirt.

"Stay" was all I had to say and he climbed in the bed and pulled me to his body. I didn't feel uncomfortable I felt safe, loved and protected for once in my life.

I guess all bad things, do come with good things. Just my package took a very long time to come to me. Stupid Amazon.


Girls in the world never get to experience happy endings. Thorn is just one of the lucky ones, she met her Prince Charming or really her Motorcycle Savior. Many girls really just want an education, and most just want a life where it's not so tiring and just one day of peace.

I hope you liked my book! It took 1 week to make and is 4,766 words long. I will make it longer in the future but for now, let us enjoy how privilege our lives are.

- Cheshire

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2019 ⏰

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