Chapter 32: Saying Goodbye

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Dedicated to LanaDelStories and Coney_Island_Queen !! You guys are amazing!! Thank you for the votes and the comments !!! I love you guys sososososo much!!


Lana set her car keys on the dining table, and carried the cake she had just bought into the kitchen. It was a delicious strawberry cake with white frosting and real strawberries to decorate the top. Dean's favorite. "Dean?" she called, "I'm home!" "In the bedroom!" he called down. Lana walked up the stairs and into their bedroom where Dean sat on the edge of their big bed with a paper in his hand. "I brought you your cake," she smiled from the door way. Dean looked up at her nervously. Lana gulped. "What is it?" She was hoping Nancy didn't tell Dean anything about her and Elvis. That's all that she could think of that would make Dean look so nervous. Other than proposing to her, which he had already done. Dean stood from the bed and slowly walked over to Lana. She gave him a curious look as he handed her the piece of paper. Lana's eyes scanned over it for a few moments before she looked back up at Dean. "You bought a house?" she questioned. "We bought a house," he corrected and a smile grew on his face. "I don't get it," she spoke slowly, confused, "This house is all the way in California." "Surprise!" Dean laughed. But Lana didn't even smile. "I bought it when I was on tour," he admitted, "Its an early birthday present. I just couldn't pass it up." "Oh," she breathed, trying her best to smile, "It sounds lovely." Dean kissed Lana on her forehead and smirked. "That's not all," he warned. "There's more," she somewhat groaned in a mock, but Dean didn't catch it.

"We're going on a cruise ship!" he exclaimed happily

"What?!" she asked in shock, "When?!" "Tomorrow!" he chuckled, "I've got it all planned out. We stay up tonight to pack and leave early tomorrow. After we come back from the cruise, we move into our new home in California." Lana began to feel dizzy. All she could think about was Elvis and her running away. There was no way she could get out of Deans sight if their going to stay up all night packing their things. Unless Lana were to be honest with Dean and tell him that she's leaving him. And yet, she couldn't. That's why her and Elvis were secretly running away. So they didn't have to confront anyone. She felt a knot grow in her stomach and it made her feel queasy.

"This is nice and all," Lana breathed, "But its so - overwhelming, Dean." "I know, I know," he agreed, "But, I was thinking about it a lot on tour. We need a break from this place. We need something different; something new. After all, we are getting married soon. Sire I wanna get married here but we need a good house to go to after. I love Memphis but I don't wanna stay here all of my life." Lana swallowed dryly and then forced a smile. "How... charming," she lied. Without a warning, Dean picked Lana up and spun her around. He was way more excited then she was. He set her down and kissed her deeply. "I love you," he breathed blissfully. Lana gulped. "I love you too," she somewhat lied. Yes, she loved Dean but she didn't love him like she loved Elvis, not even close. But Dean was a good guy and seemed to have changed over the course of months. Some days were better than others but over all he had come a long way.

"Let's get packing," Dean smiled.


Lana sat in the kitchen with the phone receiver in one hand and the phone in the other, holding it up to her ear. Dean was upstairs in the bedroom singing Come Fly With Me by Frank Sinatra. Oddly, Dean was in a very good mood. Of course, who wouldn't be if they were going in a fancy cruise ship.

"I can't wait to see you," Elvis sighed anxiously on the other side of the phone. Lana squeezed her eyes closed. "Are you sure you wanna leave so soon?" she asked carefully. "You don't?" Elvis questioned in confusion. Lana shook her head as if Elvis could actually see her. Lana didn't have the nerve to tell Elvis that she was leaving with Dean in a cruise ship. She just didn't want to let him down again. "No, no," she said, "It isn't that... I just thought maybe you'd wanna see Candice one last time.. Ya know, because I got to see Dean." "I think its best if I don't," Elvis mumbled. There was a silent pause for a moment that was thick with tension.

"If there's somethin' wrong," Elvis started carefully, "Ya know ya can't tell me." And there is was. The open window for Lana to just be honest and tell him that she was leaving on a cruise ship. But again, she lost the courage and lied. "I'm fine," she said, mostly to herself, "Everything's fine." "Well if ya need anythin' give me a call," Elvis said genuinely, "I better go. The guys are comin' over for a little poker game. I thought I'd have a little somethin' before I left them behind." "Yeah," Lana said. "Bye baby," Elvis said. "Good bye, Elvis," Lana said with tears in her eyes.

"I love you," he said. And she could feel him smiling which just broke her heart even more. "Oh, Elvis," she said with tears breaking lose from her eyes, "I love you so much." Elvis chuckled. "I'll see ya tomorrow, my love." The line went dead and Lana completely broke into a sob. Little did Elvis know that, that goodbye really meant goodbye forever. The plan was to leave Dean behind, and instead, she was leaving Elvis.

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